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Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2024/00512/TPO

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
St Marys Well Bay Road, Penarth
Work to Tree(s) covered by Tree Preservation Order 1952, No. 6 : No -1678 Sycamore, Dead Not Tolerable, Highway Fell 2x dead stems, 0 Sycamore Dead, Not Tolerable Highway Fell 1679 Sycamore Dead x 8 stems Not Tolerable Highway Fell x 8 stems 0 Sycamore Dead Not Tolerable Highway Monolith at 4m
Community Council
Sully Community Council
Application Type
Work to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
EcoVigour LTD
Agents Name
EcoVigour LTD
Applicant Address
Hardwick Farm Five Lanes Caerwent NP26 5PH
Agent Address
Hardwick Farm Five Lanes Caerwent NP26 5PH
Other Details
Thomas Norris
Phone No
01446 704885
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
TPO01 The work shall be carried out in accordance with accepted rules and practices of good tree surgery to conform to B.S. 3998 - Recommendations for Tree Work. Reason: To ensure the work is carried out to an acceptable standard.
TPO02 The work hereby approved shall be carried out by a suitably qualified professional tree surgeon. Reason: To ensure the continued health of the tree and therefore, that the visual amenities of the area are protected.
TPO03 The work hereby approved shall be carried out within 12 months of the date of this consent. Reason: To ensure the work is completed within a reasonable time limit
TPO05 The work hereby approved by this consent shall consist of the removal of the two dead steams of the sycamore tree labelled 1678. Reason: To ensure the visual amenities of the area are protected.

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Approved / Refused Documents

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Number Description
1 tpo: 008 - 1952 - 06 - G01;
2 tpo: 008 - 1952 - 06 - W04;
3 Area Team: South Area Team;
4 Flood Surface Water Intermediate: 302884;
5 Flood Surface Water Less: 1098476;
6 LDP Green Wedge: MG 18 (6);
7 LDP Mineral Safeguarding Limestone 2: Limestone (including dolomite);
8 Building Control Team Areas: Ali Saeed
9 Adopted Highways: Highway Maintained - Adopted Highway;
10 Predictive ALC: 3b;
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Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111