Welcome to the
Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2018/01408/FUL

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
Former Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge
Proposed demolition of existing school, development of 34 dwellings (30 flats and four houses) and associated works including the construction of bespoke bat roost, access/parking and landscaping
Community Council
Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council
Application Type
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Hafod Housing
Agents Name
Mr Steffan Harries
Applicant Address
C/o Agent
Agent Address
LRM Planning 22, Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9LJ
Other Details
Mr. S. D. Butler
Phone No
01446 704624
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
A01 The development shall begin no later than five years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
A02 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: 3703/PA 001 Rev A Site Location Plan 3703-PA-210 Rev I - Proposed Site Layout 620-0001-SP01 Rev C - Swept Path Analysis 620-0001-SK01 Rev D - Proposed Site Access Visibility 319/2/E1 - M & E S...
A04 Notwithstanding the submitted details, and prior to their use on site samples of all materials and finishes to be used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in accordan...
A07 Notwithstanding the submitted plans no development (or any site clearance / demolition) shall commence until full details of existing ground levels within and adjacent to the site and proposed finished external and floor levels of the buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the L...
A03 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of development (including any demolition) full details of all means of enclosure around and within the site, including details of any existing enclosures which are to be retained/altered, in addition to details of the works to reinstate ...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted details, a method statement setting out the "no dig" method of construction within the RPA area of the protected trees shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The "no dig" works shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance wi...
LS08 All the trees shown on the Draft Tree Protection Plan shall be protected by fencing, the type of which shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The fencing shall be erected in accordance with the approved details before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the ...
LS01 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, other than demolition, no construction works shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority an amended scheme of landscaping, which shall include a detailed layout and specification for the seating and p...
LS02 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 5...
EHO07 The building and site must be development in line with the detailed noise mitigation measures as set out in the Noise Assessment Report March 2022, except for the 1.8m high fence to the eastern boundary of Plot 1, which shall be a 1.8m high stone wall. All mitigation measures shall be completed bef...
NSA Prior to occupation a post development noise assessment shall be undertaken and submitted for approval to the Local Planning Authority. The post development noise assessment shall demonstrate that all habitable rooms in the attic space achieve internal noise levels of 35dBA Leq16hour during the day...
HW08 The building shall not be occupied until the parking, cycle parking and associated access and turning areas have been laid out on site in accordance with the approved plans and the approved layout shall thereafter be kept available for the parking of vehicles / cycle parking in perpetuity. Reaso...
EHO01 No development shall commence, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) which shall include a detailed Dust Management Plan, has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall also include the following de...
EHO19 In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing within 2 days to the Local Planning Authority, all associated works must stop, and no further development shall take place until a scheme ...
EHO20 Any aggregate (other than virgin quarry stone) or recycled aggregate or any topsoil [natural or manufactured],or subsoil, to be imported shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a scheme of investigation which shall be submitted to and approved in writing...
EHO19 Any site won material including soils, aggregates, recycled materials shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a sampling scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of the reuse of site won materials....
HW08 No dwelling or flat shall be occupied until the parking spaces and cycle storage, associated access and turning areas have been laid out within the site in accordance with drawing no 3703/PA/210 Rev I (Proposed Site Layout) which shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved layout in...
SU004 The development hereby approved shall have a minimum of 10% of all car parking spaces provided with charging "passive" infrastructure to include the necessary cabling and ducting to enable the simple installation and activation of EVCP parking spaces at a future date. Reason: To facilitate fut...
ECO03 Prior to the beneficial use of the building hereby approved, an ecological design strategy (EDS) addressing enhancement measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved strategy ...
AR04 No demolition or removal of any internal features of the building shall commence until an appropriate programme of historic building recording and analysis has been secured (which shall take the form of a level III survey as set out in “Understanding Historic Buildings : A Guide to Good Recording Pr...
NS The drainage scheme for the site shall ensure that no surface water and/or land drainage shall be allowed to connect directly or indirectly with the public sewerage network. Reason: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, pollution of the environment and to protect the...
DRA03 Other than demolition and the construction of the bat house, no other construction works shall commence on site until a detailed scheme for the surface water drainage of the site, showing how road and roof / yard water will be dealt with has been submitted and approved in writing by the LPA. If infi...
NSA Before the commencement on the construction of the residential elements of the development, full engineering details of the extent of the extent of internal access road and turning area to be adopted, including drainage and lighting shall been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planni...
NONS CONTAMINATION AND UNSTABLE LAND ADVISORY NOTICE The contamination assessments and the affects of unstable land are considered on the basis of the best information available to the Planning Authority and are not necessarily exhaustive. The Authority takes due diligence when assessing these impact...
NONS The applicant may need to apply to Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water for any connection to the public sewer under S106 of the Water industry Act 1991. If the connection to the public sewer network is either via a lateral drain (i.e. a drain which extends beyond the connecting property boundary) or via a new s...
II045 Warning: An European protected species (EPS) Licence is required for this development. This planning permission does not provide consent to undertake works that require an EPS licence. It is an offence to deliberately capture, kill or disturb EPS or to recklessly damage or destroy their breedi...
II021 The applicant is required to contact Highway Maintenance team (networkmanagement@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk) prior to carrying out any works on site adjacent to the adopted highway to agree location, specifications and for permission to work within the highway. All associated costs of undertaking the w...
NONS The archaeological work must be undertaken to the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), “Standard and Guidance for Building Recording” (www.archaeologists.net/codes/ifa) and it is recommended that it is carried out either by a CIfA Registered Organisation (www.archaeologists.net/ro) or an a...
II014 Please note that a legal agreement/planning obligation has been entered into in respect of the site referred to in this planning consent. Should you require clarification of any particular aspect of the legal agreement/planning obligation please do not hesitate to contact the Local Planning Authori...
NONS The applicant shall note that a minimum of 12 weeks notice is required to implement a Temporary or Permanent Traffic Regulatory Orders should the closure or other order be agreed. Requests for any such orders must be submitted in writing to Operational Manager Highways and Engineering, Alps Depot We...
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Building Control Section 03/01/2019 Consult -
Building Control Section 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Building Control Section 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 24/01/2019 Consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 03/01/2019 Consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 03/01/2019 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Cowbridge Ward3 OBSOLETE 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Cowbridge Ward3 OBSOLETE 03/01/2019 Consult -
Cowbridge Ward3 OBSOLETE 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Cowbridge with Llanblethian TC 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Cowbridge with Llanblethian TC 06/01/2023 Decision -
Cowbridge with Llanblethian TC 03/01/2019 Consult -
Cowbridge with Llanblethian TC 03/02/2020 Consult -
CowbridgeWard1 OBSOLETE 03/01/2019 Consult -
CowbridgeWard1 OBSOLETE 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
CowbridgeWard1 OBSOLETE 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
CowbridgeWard2 OBSOLETE 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
CowbridgeWard2 OBSOLETE 03/01/2019 Consult -
CowbridgeWard2 OBSOLETE 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 03/01/2019 Consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Ecology Officer 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Ecology Officer 03/01/2019 Consult -
Ecology Officer 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Education Section 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Education Section 03/01/2019 Consult -
Education Section 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 03/02/2020 Consult -
Heritage (Planning), 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 03/01/2019 Consult -
Heritage (Planning), 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Highway Development, 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Highway Development, 03/01/2019 Consult -
Highway Development, 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 03/01/2019 Consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 11/10/2021 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 03/01/2019 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 03/01/2019 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 03/01/2019 Consult -
Waste Management 03/01/2019 Consult -
Waste Management 03/02/2020 Re-consult -
Waste Management 09/02/2021 Re-consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
Agent re-registration letter 03/02/2020 - -
Jayne Elms - 09/02/2021 -
Rhys Elms - 09/02/2021 -
Patricia Elms - 09/02/2021 -
Llywd Elms - 09/02/2021 -
Lyndon Elms No address given - 09/02/2021 -
Gary Bacon No address given - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objection - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
10 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 More Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 more Objections VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
100 More Objections VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
5 More objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
5 More Objetions - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
5 More Objections, VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
Adrian & Mari Brewer, No address given - 09/02/2021 -
Alan Crossley - no address - 09/02/2021 -
Alan Prosser - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Amanda Davies - No address given - 09/02/2021 -
No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
National Assembly for Wales Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF99 1NA - 09/02/2021 -
New Druids, 45 Eastgate Cowbridge CF71 7EL - 09/02/2021 -
The New Druids, 41+45 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7EL - 09/02/2021 -
Ann Miller - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Ann Miller - No Address Given - 09/02/2021 -
Annellie Thomas - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
The Chippings, Bridge Road, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JG - 09/02/2021 -
31 Middlegate Court Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7EF - - -
Bronwen Prosser, No address given - 09/02/2021 -
Carole O`Flynn - No Address - 09/02/2021 -
Primrose Cottage Penllyn CF71 7RQ - 09/02/2021 -
Woodlands, Welsh St Donats, Cowbridge CF71 7SS - 09/02/2021 -
4 The Paddock, Cowbridge CF71 7EJ - 09/02/2021 -
No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
5, Middlegate Walk Cowbridge CF71 7LA - 09/02/2021 -
36 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
2 New Forest View Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7ET - - -
41 Druids Lane, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
Diane lloyd -No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Diane Lloyd - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Cowbridge History Society, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
Ty’r Wennol Higher End St Athan - - -
29 Heol Cae Pwll, Cowbridge - - -
Great House, Aberthin, Cowbridge - - -
Cartref Llandow Vale of Glamorgan - - -
2 Brynhyfryd, Rhiwceiliog , Pencoed, Bridgend - - -
6 Middlegate Walk, Cowbridge - - -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge - - -
Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Elizabeth Rees - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Frances Evans - No address Given - 09/02/2021 -
36 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
36 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF717BR - - -
The Bungalow at Cowbridge Girls Highschool - 09/02/2021 -
14 Church Hill Close Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
14 Churchill Close, Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
Helen Devereux - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Helen Jenkins, no address given - 09/02/2021 -
131 Stanwell Road, Penarth CF64 3LL - 09/02/2021 -
Iain Ross - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Millfield Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
No address given - 09/02/2021 -
12 The Mill Park, Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
Jan Gambling, no address given - 09/02/2021 -
42 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Jayne Elms - No Address Given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
5 New Forest View, Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
Jeff Morgan, No address given - 09/02/2021 -
Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council - - -
HeronTye, Castle Hill, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
77 Eastgate Cowbridge CF71 7AA - 09/02/2021 -
77 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7AA - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest View, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
Jordan Rolfe,- No address Given - 09/02/2021 -
Sideways, 65 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7AA - 09/02/2021 -
14 Church Hill Close Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
14 Churchill Close, Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
34 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
Ivydene, Penylan Road, Aberthin - 09/02/2021 -
Ivydene Penylan Road Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HB - 09/02/2021 -
Keith Brown - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Cartrefle, Browadway, Cowbridge CF71 7EY - 09/02/2021 -
14 Church Hill Close Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
14 Churchill Close Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
Llwyd Elms - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
no address given - - -
Lyndon Elms - No address given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
The Stables, Church Road, Cowbridge CF71 7JF - 09/02/2021 -
11 Heol y Sianel Rhoose Vale of Glamorgan CF62 3ND - 09/02/2021 -
Margaret Fletcher - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Marjory Prosser - No Address Giver - 09/02/2021 -
Millfield Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
10 Bowmans Well, Cowbridge CF71 7AX - 09/02/2021 -
Mary Roberts - No Address - 09/02/2021 -
4 Lakehill Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
1 Penyrheol Penyfai Bridgend CF31 4ND - 09/02/2021 -
Sideways, 65 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7AA - 09/02/2021 -
3 The Paddocks, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
32 Mileham Drive Aylsham Norwich - - -
25 Druids Green Cowbridge - - -
25 Court Close Aberthin CF71 7EH - - -
Fairfield Rise Llantwit Major CF61 2XH - 09/02/2021 -
Blethian House Town Mill Road Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BE - 09/02/2021 -
Trefelin, 2 Windmill Lane, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7HX - 09/02/2021 -
Brewery Cottage, Llanquian Road, Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
4 Talyfan Close Cowbridge CF71 7HT - 09/02/2021 -
38 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF717BR - 09/02/2021 -
32 Westbury Park SN4 7DL - 09/02/2021 -
2 Woodlands Close, Cowbridge CF71 7AT - 09/02/2021 -
32 Cae Ffynnon Cowbridge - - -
35 Blackthorn Court Llanharry CF72 9WU - 09/02/2021 -
35 Blackthorn Court Llanharry CF72 9WU - 09/02/2021 -
35 Blackthorn Court Llanharry (from Cowbridge originally) CF72 9WU - - -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
4 Mill Lane, Blackpill, Swansea - - -
26 Grangemoor Court Grangetown Cardiff CF11 0AL - 09/02/2021 -
17, Primrose Close Cowbridge CF71 7DZ - 09/02/2021 -
13, Hillside Drive Cowbridge CF71 7FA - 09/02/2021 -
8, Druids Green Cowbridge CF71 7BP - 09/02/2021 -
Crendon St Mary Church CF71 7LT - 09/02/2021 -
St. Davids Broadway Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7EY - 09/02/2021 -
Garreg Goch Llanharry CF72 9JX - 09/02/2021 -
12, The Broad Shoard Cowbridge CF71 7DB - 09/02/2021 -
4, Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
45, Village Farm Bonvilston CF5 6TY - 09/02/2021 -
3 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7ET 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
Little Hamston Dyffryn CF5 6SU - 09/02/2021 -
9 Balfour Street Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE8 1YL - 09/02/2021 -
28 Geraints Way Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan - - -
32 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
32 Millfield Drive CF71 7BR - - -
32 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
32 Millfield Drive - - -
3 Cold Knap Way - - -
4 Leoline Close Cowbridge CF71 7BU - - -
The Silvers Maendy Cowbridge CF71 7TG - 09/02/2021 -
18 Westgate Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7AR - 09/02/2021 -
18 Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AR - 09/02/2021 -
Golden fields, Llanmaes Road, Sigingstone CF71 7LP - 09/02/2021 -
48 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - - -
21 Rectory Drive St Athan CF62 4PD - 09/02/2021 -
38 Fields Park Road NP20 5BB - 09/02/2021 -
28 St John Close Cowbridge CF71 7HN - 09/02/2021 -
28 St John Close Cowbridge CF71 7HN - 09/02/2021 -
19 The Broad Shoard Cowbridge CF71 7DA - 09/02/2021 -
32 Middlegate Court,Cowbridge CF71 7EF - 09/02/2021 -
Westfield House Bridge Road Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JG - 09/02/2021 -
Ash Cottage 5 Cardiff Road Cowbridge CF717EP - 09/02/2021 -
8, Grays Walk Druids Green Estate Cowbridge CF71 7BQ - 09/02/2021 -
24 Mallory Close St Athan CF62 4JJ - 09/02/2021 -
1 Heol Pentre Felin Llantwit Major CF61 2XS - 09/02/2021 -
4 Slade Close COWBRIDGE CF71 7BS - 09/02/2021 -
2 New Forest View, Cowbridge CF71 7 ET - 09/02/2021 -
2 New Forest View Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
2 New Forest View, Cowbridge CF71 7ET - - -
2 New Forest View Cowbridge CF71 7ET - - -
26 Glebeland Place St Athan - - -
4 Slade Close Cowbridge CF71 7BS - 09/02/2021 -
4 Slade close Cowbridge CF71 7BS - - -
3 Whitehouse Close Llantwit Major CF61 1Rl - 09/02/2021 -
Picton House, Church Road, Llanblethian, Cowbridge cf71 7jf - 09/02/2021 -
63 The Verlands CF717ET - 09/02/2021 -
Ty Canol Maendy Cowbridge CF71 7TG - 09/02/2021 -
The Farm House Gate House Farm Kidnal SY14 7DH - 09/02/2021 -
11 Constitution Hill Cowbridge CF71 7BH - 09/02/2021 -
7 Constitution Hill Cowbridge CF71 7BH - 09/02/2021 -
7 Constitution Hill Cowbridge CF71 7BH - 09/02/2021 -
7 Constitution Hill, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF717BH - - -
75 The Verlands, Cowbridge CF71 7BY - 09/02/2021 -
75, The Verlands Cowbridge CF71 7BY - 09/02/2021 -
12 Cae Stumpie Cowbridge CF71 7DL - 09/02/2021 -
12 Cae Stumpie Cowbridge CF71 7DL - 09/02/2021 -
4Eagle terrace Eagle road St Athan CF62 4AB - - -
60 The Verlands The Verlands - - -
Brynawelon Pen-y-lan Cowbridge CF71 7RY - 09/02/2021 -
Brynawelon Pen-y-lan Cowbridge CF71 7RY - - -
5 Brookfield Park Road Cowbridge CF71 7HJ - 09/02/2021 -
66 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
1 Vale Court Cowbridge CF71 7ES - 09/02/2021 -
1 Vale Court Cowbridge CF71 7ES - 09/02/2021 -
1 Vale Court Cowbridge CF71 7ES - - -
Orchard Lodge, Flanders Road Flanders Road - - -
Sutton Bonington LE12 5RD - - -
16 Cae Nant Gledyr CF83 3BB - 09/02/2021 -
Porth-y-Green House Love Lane Cowbridge CF71 7JQ - 09/02/2021 -
Porth-y-Green House Love Lane Cowbridge CF71 7JQ - - -
Ael Y Castell Porth Y Green Close Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JR - 09/02/2021 -
1 Geraints Close Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BT - 09/02/2021 -
22 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
52 Broadway Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7EW - - -
21 The Verlands CF71 7BY - 09/02/2021 -
4 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
4 New Forest View Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
18 Ffordd Maendy, Sarn, Bridgend CF32 9EZ - 09/02/2021 -
Nantlais, Bridge Road, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JG - - -
87 Broadway Cowbridge CF71 7EY - 09/02/2021 -
3 Romilly Road Barry CF62 6AZ - 09/02/2021 -
11 Heol y Sianel Rhoose Point CF62 3ND - - -
11 Westminster Drive Wrexham LL12 7AT - 09/02/2021 -
11 Westminster Drive Wrexham LL12 7AT - - -
Maes y Nant Llandow Cowbridge CF71 7PX - - -
Arne House, 3 Grove Park West, Colwyn Bay, ll29 7EH - 09/02/2021 -
47 Park Court, Hampton Wick KT1 4AX - - -
Westoe Llysworney Cowbridge CF71 7NQ - 09/02/2021 -
10 The Verlands Cowbridge CF717BY - 09/02/2021 -
9 Cae Rex Cowbridge CF71 7JS - 09/02/2021 -
65 Trem Y Coed, St Fagans, Cardiff CF56FA - 09/02/2021 -
The Acorns Aberthin - - -
25 Heol Cae Pwll, Colwinston, Cowbridge, CF71 7PL - 09/02/2021 -
3 Talyfan Close Cowbridge CF71 7HT - 09/02/2021 -
Castell Talyfan Farm Sandy Lane CF717SX - - -
24 The Broadshoard, Cowbridge CF71 7DB - - -
2 Primrose close Cowbridge - - -
Llys Y Don Windmill Lane Cowbridge CF71 7HX - 09/02/2021 -
33 millfield drive Cf717br - - -
Hillview Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AQ - 09/02/2021 -
Apartment 1, The Old Grammar School, Church Street, Cowbridge CF71 7LT - 09/02/2021 -
5/3 Springvalley Gardens Edinburgh EH10 4QF - 09/02/2021 -
Great House Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
Mill Brow, Brookfield Park Road Cowbridge CF717HJ - 09/02/2021 -
8 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
4 Tyla Rhosyr Cowbridge CF71 7AU - 09/02/2021 -
24, Druids Green, Cowbridge. CF71 7BP - 09/02/2021 -
16 - - -
rock house westgate cowbridge CF71 7AR - - -
14 White House - - -
25 Felindre Road Pencoed CF35 5PB - 09/02/2021 -
The Manse Cresswell Quay Cresselly Kilgetty Pembrokeshire SA68 0TE - 09/02/2021 -
7 Brookfield Park Road - - -
Southrise Llangan Vale of Glamorgan CF35 5DW - 09/02/2021 -
3 Cysgod-y-Coed Cwmann Lampeter Carms. SA48 8DN - 09/02/2021 -
Wongona (no.3) Stalling Down CF71 7DT - - -
11 Hillside Drive CF717EA - - -
8 Chapel Close Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7ND - 09/02/2021 -
8 chapel close Aberthin Cowbridge cf71 7hd - - -
Crofta Ystradowen - - -
27 Heol-Y-Fro Llantwit Major Vale of Glamorgan CF61 2SA - 09/02/2021 -
13 St. John Close Cowbridge CF71 7HL - 09/02/2021 -
3 MIDDLEGATE COURT COWBRIDGE Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7EF - 09/02/2021 -
Oakdale St Mary Church Cowbridge CF71 7LT - 09/02/2021 -
The Folly, Church Road Llanblethian CF71 7JF - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest View CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7Et - - -
1 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
31 Cae Rex Cowbridge CF71 7JS - 09/02/2021 -
31 Cae Rex Llanblethian Cowbridge CF717JS - 09/02/2021 -
CF71 7AA - 09/02/2021 -
2, The Paddock Cowbridge CF71 7EJ - 09/02/2021 -
24 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
Glanville House Town Mill Road Cowbridge CF71 7BE - 09/02/2021 -
31, Middlegate Court Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7EF - 09/02/2021 -
Church Cottage Flemingston CF62 4QJ - 09/02/2021 -
Pen Y Garreg Piccadilly Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JL - 09/02/2021 -
8, Hillside Drive Cowbridge CF71 7EA - 09/02/2021 -
11, Bessant Close Cowbridge CF71 7HP - 09/02/2021 -
7, Wolffe Close Cowbridge CF71 7AZ - 09/02/2021 -
Clumber Lodge Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
42, Badgers Brook Rise Ystradowen CF71 7TW - 09/02/2021 -
Kingscombe Llanmihangel Road Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JA - 09/02/2021 -
Green Acres Windmill Lane CF71 &HX - 09/02/2021 -
2, Church Hill Close Llanblethian CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
Cae Castell Porth y Green Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JR - 09/02/2021 -
Pretoria Cottages The Causeway Cowbridge CF71 7JE - 09/02/2021 -
Picket Farm Llandow CF71 7PX - 09/02/2021 -
Highways, 59 Broadway Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7EX - 09/02/2021 -
19, Broadway, Llanblethian, Cowbridge. - - -
The Old Rectory Llangan CF35 5DW - 09/02/2021 -
Newbarn House, Newbarn Flemingston CF62 4QL CF62 4QL - - -
Newbarn House, Newbarn, Flemingston, CF62 4QL CF62 4QL - - -
Newbarn House, Newbarn CF62 4QL - - -
Brynawelon Pen-y-lan Cowbridge CF71 7RY - 09/02/2021 -
Brynawelon Pen-y-lan Cowbridge CF71 7RY - - -
Castell talyfan farm, Sandy lane, Ystradowen CF71 7SX - 09/02/2021 -
Castell Talyfan Farm Ystradowen cf71 7sx - - -
70 Wild Field Broadlands Bridgend Cf31 5FF - 09/02/2021 -
70 Wild Field Broadlands Bridgend CF41 5FF - 09/02/2021 -
New Druids 41 Eastgate Cowbrdige CF71 7EL - - -
New Druids 41 Eastgate Cowbridge CF717EL - - -
37 Gwenfo Drive Wenvoe Cardiff CF5 6BR - 09/02/2021 -
Little Hamston Dyffryn Cardiff CF5 6SU - 09/02/2021 -
Little Hamston Dyffryn Cardiff CF5 6SU - 09/02/2021 -
96 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge, CF71 7BR - - -
3 plas taliesin Penarth marina Penarth Vale of glamorgan - - -
2 Brynhyfryd Rhiwceiliog - - -
52 Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AR - - -
52 Westgate Cowbridge Cf71 7ar - - -
86 Millfield Drive - - -
19 The Broad Shoard Cowbridge CF71 7DA - 09/02/2021 -
28 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - - -
Argoed Llanmihangel Road Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JA - - -
32 Ellis Farm Close Mayford Lavingham Ellis Farm GU22 9QN - 09/02/2021 -
88 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF717BR - 09/02/2021 -
88 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
88 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - - -
88 Millfield Drive Cowbridge - - -
74 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - - -
45 Porth y Castell Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF62 6QD - - -
Wongona (no.3) Stalling Down CF71 7DT - - -
28 Geraints Way Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan - - -
1 CF717SA - 09/02/2021 -
1 Grays Walk Cowbridge CF71 7BQ - 09/02/2021 -
69, Clos Pwll Clai Tondu CF32 9BZ - 09/02/2021 -
25 Highfield Chase RG21 7SA - 09/02/2021 -
5, Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Flat 4 Henley Lodge 37 Rydens Road Walton-on-Thames - - -
10 Mae's Lloi Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HA - 09/02/2021 -
16 - - -
8 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Glynfaes Colwinston CF71 7ND - 09/02/2021 -
Glynfaes Colwinston Cowbridge CF71 7ND - 09/02/2021 -
41 Druids Green Cowbridge CF71 7BP - 09/02/2021 -
92 Ruabon Road Wrexham LL137PH - - -
29 De Clare Lodge, Westgate, Cowbridge - - -
1 Mill Park - - -
Brynawel Trerhyngyll Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7TN - 09/02/2021 -
5 Lon Pinwydden, Ystradowen, CF71 7SF - 09/02/2021 -
6 Cwrt-Yr-Iolo Flemingston BARRY CF62 4QH - 09/02/2021 -
6 Cwrt-Yr-Iolo Flemingston CF62 4QH - - -
Kwisha, The Germonds Welsh St Donats CF71 7SS - 09/02/2021 -
29 Tair Onen Cowbridge CF71 7UA - 09/02/2021 -
5 Brookfield Park Road Cowbridge CF71 7HJ - 09/02/2021 -
Bridge Cottage Llancarfan - - -
5 Brookfield Park Road Cowbridge CF71 7HJ - 09/02/2021 -
14 Cae Rex Cowbridge CF717JS - - -
14 Cae Rex Cowbridge CF71 7JS - 09/02/2021 -
Ysgubor Bran Nant Bran Farm Dyffryn St. Nicholas CF5 6SU - 09/02/2021 -
White Lodge Stallcourt Close Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JU - 09/02/2021 -
1 Llantrithyd Road, St. Hilary CF71 7DP - 09/02/2021 -
22 ST JOHN CLOSE COWBRIDGE CF71 7HN - 09/02/2021 -
22 St. Johns Close Cowbridge CF717HN - - -
2 Tyla Rhosyr Cowbridge CF71 7AU - 09/02/2021 -
12 Mill Park Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
Pentwyn Farm Cwmdu Powys NP8 1RU - 09/02/2021 -
Ashwood House Ystradowen CF71 7SY - 09/02/2021 -
6 New Forest View Cowbridge CF71 7ET - - -
25 Badgers Brook drive Ystradowen Cf717TX - - -
25 badgers Brook drive Ystradowen - - -
Bryn Eglwys Monknash Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7QQ - 09/02/2021 -
25 Felindre Road Pencoed CF35 5PB - - -
63 The Verlands CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
Westmoor Farm Primrose Hill Cowbridge CF71 7DU - 09/02/2021 -
1 Glanoger Road Bridgend CF31 3PF - 09/02/2021 -
Springfield House Trerhyngyll Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan - - -
5 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7Et - - -
70,Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF717BR - - -
Great House Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HE - - -
18 Cardigan Crescent Boverton Llantwit Major Vale of Glamorgan - - -
23 Heol Cae Pwll Colwinston - - -
22 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
22 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
22 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
8 The Limes Cowbridge CF717BJ CF717BJ - - -
109 Fontygary Road Rhoose Cf62 3du - - -
Oakdale, The Herbert’s, St. Mary’s Church, Cowbridge CF71 7LT - 09/02/2021 -
34 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
34 Millfield Drive CF71 7BR - - -
Ynysdawel Llancarfan Vale of Glamorgan Cf62 3 AD - 09/02/2021 -
Sea View, Wick Road, St Brides Major, CF32 0SF - - -
Llwyn Onn Llandough Cowbridge CF71 7LR - 09/02/2021 -
24 Millfield Drive Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BR - - -
22 Borough Close Cowbridge CF717BN - 09/02/2021 -
50 Bedford Rise Llantwit Major CF61 2UN - 09/02/2021 -
Riversdale Cottage Llanquian Road Aberthin CF717HE - - -
RIVERSDALE Cottage Llanquian Road Aberthin - - -
Aberthin House, Llanquian Road Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HE - - -
50 Conway Drive Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF62 7EZ - 09/02/2021 -
Manorstone House Trerhyngyll Cowbridge - - -
Manorstone House Trerhyngyll Cowbridge CF71 7TN - - -
15 Heol Fioled Barry CF63 1HB - 09/02/2021 -
4 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge - - -
4 New Forest View, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
Lille Hus 22 Church Hill Close Llanblethian Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
Lille Hus, 22 Church Hill Close, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JH - 09/02/2021 -
22 Church Hill Close, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JH - - -
58 The Broadshoard, Cowbridge - - -
Stallington House Stalling Down Cowbridge CF717DT - - -
195 HENDRE ROAD PENCOED CF35 6PP - 09/02/2021 -
Maes y Nant Llandow Cowbridge CF71 7PX - 09/02/2021 -
Maes y Nant Llandow Cowbridge CF71 7PX - - -
1 Groeswen, Llantwit Major - - -
Penarth CF64 1FA - 09/02/2021 -
13 Millfield Drive - - -
Picton House Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JF - 09/02/2021 -
Redfern House Cowbridge CF71 7BE - - -
Ashcroft Colwinston Cowbridge CF71 7ND - 09/02/2021 -
13 Wyesham Avenue, Monmouth Np253ne - - -
21 Cae Rex, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JS - 09/02/2021 -
Greystones Church Street Llysworney CF71 7NQ - 09/02/2021 -
Shotover Cottage, Freshfield Lane, Danehill, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH17 7HF - 09/02/2021 -
Glyncoed, Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7EN - 09/02/2021 -
Glyncoed Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7EN - - -
Glyncoed Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7EN - - -
8 Seys Close Cowbridge CF71 7BW - 09/02/2021 -
Greystone Lodge Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - - -
17 Frog Grove Lane, Wood Street Village, Guildford. GU3 3EY - - -
Fern Lodge Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
Fern Lodge Llanquian Road Aberthin Cowbridge - - -
Cwm Ciddy Farm Cottage, Cwm Ciddy Lane, Barry Cf623NA - - -
59 Llanover Road CF5 4TJ - 09/02/2021 -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - - -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge - - -
10 Bessant Close Cowbridge CF71 7HP - 09/02/2021 -
4, St Marys Crescent, Maesteg, Bridgend, CF34 0UX - 09/02/2021 -
19 East view - - -
3 Yr Helyg Heol y Cyw Bridgend CF35 6LL - - -
18 Bessant Close Cowbridge - - -
Sutton Fach Farm Weycock Rd Barry - - -
2 New Forest View, Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
13A Mill Park, Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
13A Mill Park Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
1 Lamack Vale Tenby Pembrokeshire SA70 8DN - 09/02/2021 -
16 St Owains Crescent Ystradowen - - -
69 The Chase Bridgend CF31 2JJ - - -
5 New Forest View Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7Et - - -
Apartment 10 The Old Grammar School Church Street Cowbridge - - -
38 Dol Nant Dderwen Broadbands Bridgend CF31 5AA - 09/02/2021 -
Larchcroft Pen y lan Road Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HB - 09/02/2021 -
29 Middlegate Close Cowbridge CF71 7EF - 09/02/2021 -
36, Eastgate Cowbridge CF71 7DE - 09/02/2021 -
26, Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
18 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
46 Milfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
10, St Bleddian Close Cowbridge CF71 7BA - 09/02/2021 -
52, Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AR - 09/02/2021 -
Church Cottage Flemingston CF62 4QJ - 09/02/2021 -
11, Talygarn Court Talygarn Pontyclun CF72 9UH - 09/02/2021 -
8 Slade Close Cowbridge CF71 7BS 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
1 Mill Park Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
36, Eastgate Cowbridge CF71 7DE - 09/02/2021 -
10 Church View llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JJ - 09/02/2021 -
26, Penygroes Groesfaen CF72 8PA - 09/02/2021 -
19, Lakehill Drive Cowbridge CF71 7HR - 09/02/2021 -
The Hill Tair Croes Ewenny CF55 5AG - 09/02/2021 -
6, Court Drive Llansannor CF71 7SD - 09/02/2021 -
15, Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
1, Sycamore Cottage The Broadshoard Cowbridge CF71 7DA - 09/02/2021 -
4, Ty Mawr Close Ystradowen CF71 7TD - 09/02/2021 -
Thira Cottage 36 Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AR - 09/02/2021 -
Aberthin House Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
23 Westgate Cowbridge CF71 7AQ - 09/02/2021 -
21, Cae Rex Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JS - 09/02/2021 -
81, Broadway Cowbridge CF71 7EY - 09/02/2021 -
Kingscombe Llanmihangel Road Llanblethian Cowbridge CF71 7JA - 09/02/2021 -
5, Croft Street Cowbridge CF71 7BH - 09/02/2021 -
6 Seys Close Cowbridge CF71 7BW - 09/02/2021 -
Fern Lodge Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
31 Timbers Green Llangan CF35 5AZ - 09/02/2021 -
Rose Cottage Trerhyngyll Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7TN - 09/02/2021 -
Ty Brenin Factory Road Llanblethian CF71 7JD - 09/02/2021 -
42, Broadway Llanblethian CF71 7EW - 09/02/2021 -
7 Town Mill Road Cowbridge CF71 7BE - 09/02/2021 -
7, Mill Park Cowbridge CF71 7BG - 09/02/2021 -
1 St. Davids Close Brackla Bridgend CF31 2BN - 09/02/2021 -
2, Grays Walk Cowbridge CF71 7BQ - 09/02/2021 -
2 Grays Walk Cowbridge CF71 7BQ - 09/02/2021 -
The Verlands Cowbridge CF71 7BY - - -
Brewery Cottage, Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
Brewery Cottage, Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
Brewery Cottage, Llanquian Road Aberthin CF71 7HE - - -
BrynGolau St Brides Major Vale of Glamorgan CF32 0SA - 09/02/2021 -
25 Rectory Close Wenvoe - - -
2 City inn Fields City Llansannor Cowbridge CF717RW - - -
Great House Llanquian Road Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7HE - 09/02/2021 -
Great House Aberthin Cowbridge CF71 7 HE - 09/02/2021 -
100 Penprysyg Rd Pencoed Bridgend - - -
83 Melrose Avenue Cardiff CF23 9AT - 09/02/2021 -
13 Geraint’s Way Cowbridge - - -
2 Woodland Close CF71 7AT - 09/02/2021 -
8 The Old Grammar School Church Street Cowbridge CF71 7BB - 09/02/2021 -
Seaview House Southerndown - - -
23 Millfield Drive Cowbridge - - -
1 Bryn Awel Pen y lan road Aberthin CF71 7HB - - -
Cowbridge Town Council CF71 7AD - - -
Rock House Cowbridge CF71 7AR - 09/02/2021 -
rock house westgate cowbrige CF71 7AR - - -
3 Tyla Rhosyr Cowbridge CF71 7AU - 09/02/2021 -
55 Hillside Drive Cowbriedge CF71 7EA - 09/02/2021 -
29, Caer Worgan Llantwit Major CF61 2SP - 09/02/2021 -
Rhiwbridwel farm CF72 8LU - 09/02/2021 -
8 Bull Cliff Walk Barry CF62 6UB - 09/02/2021 -
8 Bull Cliff Walk Barry. CF62 6UB - 09/02/2021 -
5 Main Street, Keevil, Wiltshire - 09/02/2021 -
5 Main Street Keevil BA146LU - 09/02/2021 -
Cardiff Civic Society - 09/02/2021 -
100 more objections - VoG Planning Committee - 09/02/2021 -
2, Crescent Close Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7EB - 09/02/2021 -
2 Crescent Close Cowbridge Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7EB - 09/02/2021 -
Patricia Elms - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
Residents of Millfield Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
24, The Broadshoard, Cowbridge CF71 7DB - 09/02/2021 -
Paul Ireland - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Peter Shaw - No address Given - 09/02/2021 -
Residents Group - 09/02/2021 -
c/o 3 New Forest View Aberthin Road Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
Rhian Williams, no address given - 09/02/2021 -
Rhys Elms - No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
The Old Bakehouse, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7JW - 09/02/2021 -
Cowbridge & Llanblethian Residents Group, 9 The Limes, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
No Address, Consultant Physician, Llanblethian - 09/02/2021 -
Millfield Drive, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
10 The Paddocks, Cowbridge CF71 7EJ - 09/02/2021 -
Vale of Glamorgan conservative Association 1 Holton Road 50 Holton Road Barry - 09/02/2021 -
Welsh Conservatives 1, Holton House Holton Road Barry CF63 4HE - 09/02/2021 -
VoG Conservative Association, 1 Hoton Road, Barry - 09/02/2021 -
VoG Conservative Association, 1 Holton Road, Barry - 09/02/2021 -
Cowbridge Bookshop 72 Eastgate Cowbridge CF71 7AB Vale of Glamorgan - 09/02/2021 -
Roy Houghton, No Address given - 09/02/2021 -
Wongona, The Stallings, Cowbridge CF71 7DT - 09/02/2021 -
Wongona Stalling Down Cowbridge CF71 7DT - 09/02/2021 -
Westgate, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
30 Millfield Drive Cowbridge CF71 7BR - - -
30, Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Wayside, Westgate, Cowbridge CF71 7AQ - 09/02/2021 -
10 Bowmans Well, Cowbridge CF71 7AX - 09/02/2021 -
- - - -
22 Millfield Drive, Cowbridge CF71 7BR - 09/02/2021 -
Sian Vaughan - No Address - 09/02/2021 -
Aberthin Road, and Millfield Drive Resident Association - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest Way, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
Residents in close direct proximity of Cowbridge Grammar School - 09/02/2021 -
41 Broadway, Llanblethian, Cowbridge CF71 7EX - 09/02/2021 -
Pen Y Bryn 12 Castle Precinct Llandough Cowbridge CF71 7LX - 09/02/2021 -
1 NEW FOREST VIEW ABERTHIN ROAD COWBRIDGE CF71 7ET 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
16 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
2 NEW FOREST VIEW ABERTHIN ROAD COWBRIDGE CF71 7ET 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
2 SLADE CLOSE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BS 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
20 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
22 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
26 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
28 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
30 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
32 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
34 MILLFIELD DRIVE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BR 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
4 NEW FOREST VIEW ABERTHIN ROAD COWBRIDGE CF71 7ET 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
4 SLADE CLOSE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BS 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
6 SLADE CLOSE COWBRIDGE CF71 7BS 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
NEW FOREST VIEW ABERTHIN ROAD COWBRIDGE CF71 7ET 03/01/2019 09/02/2021 24/01/2019
47 - CF61 2SA - 09/02/2021 -
5 New Forest View, Cowbridge CF71 7ET - 09/02/2021 -
No address supplied - - -
13 Tremgarth, Wildmill, Cowbridge - 09/02/2021 -
no addrss given - - -
  File name Created date
Planning Submission
Approved / Refused Documents
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 04/01/2019
2 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 10/01/2019
Number Description
1 1995/00902/REG3, Address: Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Proposal: Two storey teaching block, Decision: ,Case Officer: ,Decision Date: ;
2 2005/00687/REG3, Address: Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Proposal: Renewal of permission for one single storey double demountable classroom, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: JMC,Decision Date: 2005-07-28T00:00:00;
3 2018/00062/PRE, Address: Former Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Proposal: Demolition of existing school and development of 45 dwellings and associated works, Decision: Pre-Application Response Charged,Case Officer: YP,Decision Date: 2018-08-07 00:00:00+01;
4 Area Team: North Area Team;
5 LDP Housing MAC: MG 2 (18);
6 LDP_Settlements: MD5;
You are here:  
Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111