Croeso i
Gyngor Bro Morgannwg

Manylion y Cais Cynllunio ar gyfer: 2021/01082/1/CD

Mae'r amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno sylwadau ar y cais hwn bellach wedi dod i ben.

Lleoliad y Rhaglen
Llanmaes, Llantwit Major
Discharge of Condition 3 (Flood Consequence Assessment). Planning approval 2021/01082/RG3 - This scheme is a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Llanmaes Village
Cyngor Cymuned
Llanmaes Community Council
Math y Cais
Condition Discharge
Application DETERMINED
Enw’r ymgeisydd
Mr. Clive Moon
Enw’r Asiant
Mr. Athan Tsovaras
Cyfeiriad yr Ymgeisydd:
Department of Environment, Visible Services and Transport Vale of Glamorgan Council The Alps Wenvoe CF5 6AA
Cyfeiriad yr Asiant
1, Callaghan Square Cardiff CF10 5BT
Manylion Eraill
Mr. I. Robinson
Wedi Derbyn
Rhif ffôn
01446 704777
Dod i ben
Math o Benderfyniad

Rhaglen Rheoli Adeiladu
Datganiad Amgylcheddol
Dyddiad Penderfynu

Cod Manylion yr Amod
NS Prior to the commencement of development, an amended Flood Consequences Assessment (FCA) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which responds to the Natural Resources Wales Flood Model Review. The amended FCA shall take account of and adopt the amendments lis...
Enw Dyddiad anfon Math Dyddiad Terfyn
Natural Resources Wales, 18/03/2022 Consult -

Ni chanfuwyd unrhyw ymatebion Cymdogion ar gyfer y Cais hwn

  Enw'r ffeil Dyddiad a grëwyd
Planning Submission
Planning Documents

Heb ganfod Hysbysiadau Cyhoeddus ar gyfer y Cais hwn

Nifer Disgrifiad
1 1978/00002/FUL, Address: 23, Tyle House Close, Llantwit Major , Proposal: Room extension at rear of property, Decision: NULL,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: NULL;
2 1981/00561/OUT, Address: Birch Grove, Llanmaes, Llantwit Major - Land adjacent, Proposal: Erection of dwelling house, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1981-06-23 00:00:00+01;
3 1983/00098/OUT, Address: Field 7660, Llanmaes, Proposal: Residential development, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1983-03-17 00:00:00+00;
4 1986/00870/OUT, Address: Field 6771 - Frontage of OS Parcel 6771, Llanmaes, Proposal: The development of land for 4 plots large enough to suit houses for Senior Management as Welsh Office Circular 30/86 June, 1986, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1986-11-04 00:00:00+00;
5 1988/01128/OUT, Address: Land fronting road just north of Bridge House Farm, Llanmaes, Llantwit Major, Proposal: Development of land for residential purposes, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: JPR,Decision Date: 1988-11-15 00:00:00+00;
6 2002/00218/TCA, Address: Village Green, Llanmaes, Proposal: Fell one willow, Decision: NULL,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: NULL;
7 2010/01092/TCA, Address: Llanmaes village green, Llanmaes, Proposal: Pollard Willow and crown lift Oak (nearest Ty Ffynnon frontage), Decision: Approved,Case Officer: MRK,Decision Date: 2010-11-16 00:00:00+00;
8 2014/00579/FUL, Address: Enclosure 8807, Sigingstone Lane, Llanmaes, Proposal: Erection of polytunnel 14 feet (4.267m) X 36 feet (20.973m), Decision: Approved,Case Officer: RL,Decision Date: 2014-07-14 00:00:00+01;
9 2015/01020/FUL, Address: Land at Llanmaes, Proposal: Agricultural shed, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: MPH,Decision Date: 2016-02-08 00:00:00+00;
10 2016/01370/FUL, Address: Enclosure 8807, Sigingstone Lane, Llanmaes, Proposal: Agricultural Shed - Construction of a steel framed storage and processing barn to support and provide appropriate facilities relating to the existing market garden business, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: MPH,Decision Date: 2017-01-11 00:00:00+00;
Rydych chi yma:  
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Heol Holltwn, y Barri CF63 4RU, Ffôn: (01446) 700111