Croeso i
Gyngor Bro Morgannwg

Manylion y Cais Cynllunio ar gyfer: 2018/01408/2/CD

Mae'r amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno sylwadau ar y cais hwn bellach wedi dod i ben.

Lleoliad y Rhaglen
Former Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge
Discharge of Conditions 5 (Details of means of enclosures). 6 (Method statement for NO dig). 7 (Tree Protection) for Planning Application ref 2018/01408/FUL - Proposed demolition of existing school, development of 34 dwellings (30 flats and four houses) and associated works including the construction of bespoke bat roost, access/parking and landscaping
Cyngor Cymuned
Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council
Math y Cais
Condition Discharge
Awaiting Determination (no consults)
Enw’r ymgeisydd
Hafod Housing
Enw’r Asiant
Mr Steffan Harries
Cyfeiriad yr Ymgeisydd:
c/o agent c/o agent c/o agent c/o agent CF119LJ
Cyfeiriad yr Asiant
22 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF119LJ
Manylion Eraill
Mr. S. D. Butler
Wedi Derbyn
Rhif ffôn
01446 704624
Dod i ben
Math o Benderfyniad

Rhaglen Rheoli Adeiladu
Datganiad Amgylcheddol
Dyddiad Penderfynu

Cod Manylion yr Amod
A03 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of development (including any demolition) full details of all means of enclosure around and within the site, including details of any existing enclosures which are to be retained/altered, in addition to details of the works to reinstate ...
LS08 All the trees shown on the Draft Tree Protection Plan shall be protected by fencing, the type of which shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The fencing shall be erected in accordance with the approved details before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the ...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted details, a method statement setting out the "no dig" method of construction within the RPA area of the protected trees shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The "no dig" works shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance wi...

Heb ganfod Ymgynghoriadau ar gyfer y Cais hwn

Ni chanfuwyd unrhyw ymatebion Cymdogion ar gyfer y Cais hwn

Ni ddaethpwyd o hyd i unrhyw Atodiadau ar gyfer y Cais hwn

Heb ganfod Hysbysiadau Cyhoeddus ar gyfer y Cais hwn

Nifer Disgrifiad
1 2018/00062/PRE, Address: Former Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Proposal: Demolition of existing school and development of 45 dwellings and associated works, Decision: Pre-Application Response Charged,Case Officer: YP,Decision Date: 07/08/2018;
2 2018/01408/FUL, Address: Former Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing school, development of 34 dwellings (30 flats and four houses) and associated works including the construction of bespoke bat roost, access/parking and landscaping, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: SDB,Decision Date: 09/06/2022;
3 tpo: 2019-04-T3;
4 tpo: 2019-04-T4;
5 tpo: 2019-04-T1;
6 tpo: 2019-04-T2;
7 Area Team: North Area Team;
8 Estates: Education;
9 LDP Housing MAC: MG 2 (18);
10 LDP_Settlements: MD5;
Rydych chi yma:  
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Heol Holltwn, y Barri CF63 4RU, Ffôn: (01446) 700111