Croeso i
Gyngor Bro Morgannwg

Manylion y Cais Cynllunio ar gyfer: 2014/01234/FUL

Mae'r amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno sylwadau ar y cais hwn bellach wedi dod i ben.

Lleoliad y Rhaglen
6, Britway Road, Dinas Powys
To take down existing conservatory and build two storey extension to rear of dwelling
Cyngor Cymuned
Dinas Powys Community Council
Math y Cais
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Enw’r ymgeisydd
Mr. and Mrs. M. McGrath,
Enw’r Asiant
Ray Baker Arch. Consultant,
Cyfeiriad yr Ymgeisydd:
6, Britway Road, Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 4AF
Cyfeiriad yr Asiant
22, Cwm Barry Way, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. CF62 6LB
Manylion Eraill
Mr. Steven Rennie
Wedi Derbyn
Rhif ffôn
01446 704653
Dod i ben
Math o Benderfyniad

Rhaglen Rheoli Adeiladu
Datganiad Amgylcheddol
Dyddiad Penderfynu

Cod Manylion yr Amod
AAA01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
NS This consent shall only relate to the plans reference 'Existing Plans', 'Proposed Plans' and 'Site Location Plan' registered on the 23 October 2014 and the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with these details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and for t...
NS Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2013, or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order, no windows other than those expressly authorised by this permission shall be inserted in the first floor side elevations of...
NS The window in the (east) side elevation, serving the en-suite bedroom, shall be glazed using obscured glass to a minimum of level 3 of the "Pilkington" scale of obscuration at the time of the construction of the development hereby approved and prior to the first beneficial use of extension and shall...
NS The balcony screen as shown on the plans hereby approved shall be constructed as approved and in place prior to the first beneficial use of the balcony and shall thereafter be so maintained at all times. Reason: To ensure that the privacy and amenities of adjoining occupiers are safeguarded, ...
Enw Dyddiad anfon Math Dyddiad Terfyn
Dinas Powys Community Council 30/10/2014 Consult -
Dinas Powys Community Council 18/12/2014 Decision -
Dinas PowysWd1 OBSOLETE 30/10/2014 Consult -
Dinas PowysWd2 OBSOLETE 30/10/2014 Consult -
Dinas PowysWd3 30/10/2014 Consult -
Dinas PowysWd4 OBSOLETE 30/10/2014 Consult -
Cyfeiriad Dyddiad anfon Dyddiad Ail-drefnu Dyddiad Terfyn
4 BRITWAY ROAD DINAS POWYS CF64 4AF 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
8 Britway Road Dinas Powys CF64 4AF - - -
4 Britway Road Dinas Powys CF64 4AF - - -
15 HIGHWALLS AVENUE DINAS POWYS CF64 4AP 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
17 HIGHWALLS AVENUE DINAS POWYS CF64 4AP 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
19 HIGHWALLS AVENUE DINAS POWYS CF64 4AP 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
10 BRITWAY ROAD DINAS POWYS CF64 4AF 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
8 BRITWAY ROAD DINAS POWYS CF64 4AF 30/10/2014 - 20/11/2014
  Enw'r ffeil Dyddiad a grëwyd
Planning Documents
Nifer Safle neu Wasg Disgrifiad Dyddiad Dangos
1 - Neighbours 05/11/2014
Nifer Disgrifiad
1 2008/00262/FUL : 6, Britway Road, Dinas Powys - Replace existing conservatory with single storey extension and erection of double storey extension - Approved 23/04/2008 (case officer - SD) 2007/00601/FUL : 6, Britway Road, Dinas Powys - Proposed kitchen and bedroom extension, and the removal and replacement of the conservatory roof & side wall - Approved 20/06/2007 (case officer - OG)
2 Settlement
3 North Area Team
Rydych chi yma:  
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Heol Holltwn, y Barri CF63 4RU, Ffôn: (01446) 700111