Croeso i
Gyngor Bro Morgannwg

Manylion y Cais Cynllunio ar gyfer: 2013/00333/FUL

Mae'r amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno sylwadau ar y cais hwn bellach wedi dod i ben.

Lleoliad y Rhaglen
Site located in field 400m along an unnamed road between the A4266 and Duffryn (grid ref 308215 : 171623)
Drill a single vertical exploration borehole
Cyngor Cymuned
St. Nicholas & Bonvilston Community Council
Math y Cais
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Enw’r ymgeisydd
Coastal Oil and Gas Limited,
Enw’r Asiant
Coastal Oil and Gas Limited,
Cyfeiriad yr Ymgeisydd:
Unit 13, 51 Village Farm Road Village Farm Industrial Estate Pyle CF33 6BL
Cyfeiriad yr Asiant
Unit 13, 51 Village Farm Road Village Farm Industrial Estate Pyle CF33 6BL
Manylion Eraill
Mr. M. Goldsworthy
Wedi Derbyn
Rhif ffôn
01446 704651
Dod i ben
Math o Benderfyniad

Rhaglen Rheoli Adeiladu
Datganiad Amgylcheddol
Dyddiad Penderfynu

Cod Manylion yr Amod
AAA01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
NS No operations authorised by this permission, with the exception of the site restoration works set out in Section 8.17 of the supporting statement submitted with the application, shall take place after a period of 10 weeks following the commencement of drilling operations on the site, unless otherwis...
NS The drill rig and all other items of plant and equipment to be used in the drilling operations hereby approved shall each have a typical noise level at 1 metre not exceeding 79 dB(A). Reason: In order to protect local amenity in accordance with Policy ENV29 of the Unitary development Plan.
NS No operations authorised by this permission shall take place until details of a scheme to mitigate noise impacts at the nearest residential and / or commercial properties, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All operations shall subsequently be carried out...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted documents, prior to any drilling taking place, a detailed working method statement for the drilling operation, to include methods to minimise the risk of the loss of drilling fluid to ground water resources during the drilling process and monitoring for any loss of dril...
NS Monitoring and assessment of vibration from the operations shall be carried out in accordance with the vibration methodology below unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. i) An acceptable datum level of vibration will be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior...
NS Within three months of the completion of drilling and testing operations, all plant, machinery, buildings and the bund compound shall be removed from the site and the site shall be restored in accordance with the details set out in Section 8.17 of the statement entitled Accompanying Information subm...
NS The works to prepare the site for drilling, construct and dismantle the drill and equipment, and restore the site shall not take place outside the hours of 08:00 to 18:00. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and to meet the objectives of Policies MIN1 and ENV27 of the Unitary D...
NS Any lighting shall be in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and to meet the objectives of Policies MIN1 and ENV27 of the Unitary Development Plan.
ns Notwithstanding the submitted documents, prior to any drilling taking place on the site, a detailed working method statement / construction environmental management plan, which shall include a buffer zone between the existing hedgerows and the proposed works, shall be submitted in writing to and app...
AA060 Any facilities for the storage of oils, fuels and chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund walls. The size of the bunded compound shall be at least equivalent to the capacity of the tank plus 10%. If there is a multiple tankage, the compound should be at least...
AA057 Full details of a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water drainage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to any drilling operations or site preparation t...
ns Prior to any drilling operations taking place, a scheme for the treatment, storage and disposal of any dust created by the operation shall be submitted in writing to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme shall thereafter be retained in operation throughout any periods ...
ns Vehicular access to the site shall only be made in accordance with Section 7.6 of the supporting information and, in particular heavy traffic (such as the rig, drill pipe and cabins) shall approach and leave the site only from / to the North via the A48 and A4226. Reason: In the interests of t...
NS Within two weeks of the commencement of the first drilling operations a full noise survey shall be undertaken at all the nearest identified noise sensitive residential and / or commercial properties, to ensure compliance with the details set out in Condition Nos. 3 and 4 above and the submitted nois...
AA103 Prior to the commencement of development details of measures for wheel washing and dust suppression shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved measures shall be fully implemented on site prior to the commencement of any works and shall thereafter b...
Enw Dyddiad anfon Math Dyddiad Terfyn
Cadw, Historic Gardens, 07/08/2013 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 14/01/2015 Demolition -
Councils Drainage Section 14/01/2015 Discharge -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 23/04/2013 Consult -
Ecology Officer 23/04/2013 Consult -
Highway Development, 23/04/2013 Consult -
Highway Development, 14/01/2015 Demolition -
Highway Development, 14/01/2015 Discharge -
Natural Resources Wales, 14/01/2015 Demolition -
Natural Resources Wales, 14/01/2015 Discharge -
Natural Resources Wales, 23/04/2013 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 23/04/2013 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 14/01/2015 Demolition -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 14/01/2015 Discharge -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 23/04/2013 Consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 09/10/2013 Information -
Wenvoe Community Council 09/10/2013 Information -
Wenvoe Community Council 23/04/2013 Consult -
Wenvoe Ward 1 OBSOLETE 23/04/2013 Consult -
Cyfeiriad Dyddiad anfon Dyddiad Ail-drefnu Dyddiad Terfyn
Site visit letter to agent - - -
by email - - -
by email - - -
by email - - -
By email - - -
by email - - -
3, Parc-y-Bryn, Creigiau, Cardiff CF15 9SE - - -
by email - - -
The Barns Little Hamston Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Little Hamston Farm Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
The Stable Little Hamston Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Swallows Barn Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Hen Y Beudy Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Yr Hen Felin Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Wayside Cottage Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Hamston Fawr Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Great Hamston Farm Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Great Hamston Cottage Dyffryn, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SU 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Whitton Bush Farm Walterston, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 3AS 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
Amelia Trust Farm Five Mile Lane, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 3AS 23/04/2013 - 14/05/2013
  Enw'r ffeil Dyddiad a grëwyd
Planning Documents
Nifer Safle neu Wasg Disgrifiad Dyddiad Dangos
1 - Neighbours 26/04/2013
Nifer Disgrifiad
1 Special Landscape Area
2 Civil Aviation Authority - All Applications over 10m
3 North Area Team
4 2011/00220/PRE : Coedarhydyglyn Estate, St Nicholas - Six wind turbines at 15m height. - Withdrawn 13/11/2012 (case officer - SR2)
Rydych chi yma:  
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Heol Holltwn, y Barri CF63 4RU, Ffôn: (01446) 700111