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Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2022/00294/HYB

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
Land adjacent to Oak Court, Myrtle Close, Penarth
Hybrid planning application comprising of a full application for extra-care accommodation and associated highways, landscaping and drainage works and outline application for residential development and associated works with all matters reserved except for access
Community Council
Penarth Town Council
Application Type
Hybrid Application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Wales and West Housing
Agents Name
Mr Dylan Green
Applicant Address
Archway House 77, Parc Ty Glas Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5DU
Agent Address
Unit 9, Oak Tree Court Cardiff Gate Business Park Cardiff CF23 8RS
Other Details
Angharad Hobbs
Phone No
01446 704638
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
A12 Details of the appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved. Reason: To comply with the req...
A13 Any application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
A14 The development shall begin either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section...
A02 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: PL(03)100 Location Plan (received 8th March 2022) PL(03)102 Rev B Master Site Plan (access only) (received 27th September 2022) PL(03)103 Rev A Ownership and Phasing Plan (received 27th Septembe...
A15 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the scale parameters specified on plan PL(03) 104 Rev A Parameters Plan (received 27th September 2022). Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to ensure a satisfactory form of d...
- The scheme shall be delivered and retained as a 100% affordable housing scheme that shall be occupied by people of 55 years of age and older only and shall meet the definition of affordable housing in Annex B of the Welsh Government Technical Advice Note 2 on Affordable Housing or any future guidanc...
- A plan showing bat flight lines across the site shall be provided as part of the first reserved matters application submitted, along with: a) details regarding how the layout and detailed design of the site mitigates the impact on bats using the site; and b) the identification of retained trees t...
EHO01 No development or site clearance shall commence, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include the following details: i) the parking of vehicles of ...
- No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured agreement for a written scheme of historic environment (archaeological) mitigation which has been submitted by the applicant to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter...
LS07 No development shall take place, nor any demolition works or site clearance, until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority details of a scheme for the protection of trees shown to be retained on the Tree Protection Plan within the Arboricultural Report, in...
- Prior to the commencement of development, and in addition to the landscaping scheme, a scheme shall be submitted for the translocation of trees on the site and additional planting to mitigate for the trees that are to be removed, a timescale for these works and plan for the management of the trees l...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a lighting strategy for the development, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall be designed to minimise impacts on wildlife and shall take account of the submitted Ecological Reports. The lighting sh...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for reptile mitigation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include measures to minimise the risk of harm to reptiles during construction and the creation of habitat suitable for reptiles, ...
- Bat, bird and hedgehog boxes shall be provided on the site in accordance with the recommendations made by the Preliminary Ecology Appraisal and prior to the commencement of development, details of the type, number and location of these boxes to be installed shall be submitted to and approved in writ...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a landscape and ecological management plan for the site lasting no less than 10 years to ensure that biodiversity is retained an enhanced on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include, but not e...
LS02 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 1...
- Prior to the commencement of development, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the following works: • Full engineering details of the shared footway/cycleway to be installed from Cedar Way through to the western site boundary; • The upgrading ...
- Full engineering details and associated calculations of the proposed access and highway works, incorporating vision splays, street lighting, road signs, surface water drainage strategy and any retaining structures retaining or adjacent to the highway/public open space shall be submitted to and agree...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a condition survey shall be carried out on Myrtle Close and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall set out a timetable for construction and for a second condition survey and its submission to the Local Planning Autho...
HW01 Prior to the commencement of development or site clearance, a Construction Traffic Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Management Plan shall include details of parking for construction traffic, the proposed routes for heavy construction...
- In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing within 2 days to the Local Planning Authority, all associated works must stop, and no further development shall take place unless otherwis...
- Any aggregate (other than virgin quarry stone) or recycled aggregate material to be imported shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a scheme of investigation which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of i...
- Any site won material including soils, aggregates, recycled materials shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a sampling scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of the reuse of site won materials....
SU001 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a Travel Plan shall be prepared to include a package of measures tailored to the needs of the site and its future users, which aims to widen travel choices by all modes of transport, encourage sustainable transport and cut unnecessary car...
- Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development, the access for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians shall be laid out in accordance with PL(03)102 Rev B Master Site Plan (received 27th September 2022) and that space shall thereafter be kept available for the such purposes in perpetuity. Reas...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for public art within the site, which shall be fully costed and include a timescale for delivery shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. ...
- Prior to the commencement of development, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority confirming how public open space will be delivered in assosciation with the development hereby approved. The public open space shall be provided prior to the beneficial occ...
A07 No development shall commence until details of existing ground levels within and adjacent to the site and proposed finished ground and floor levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved det...
A01 The development shall begin no later than five years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
A02 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: PL(03)100 Location Plan (received 8th March 2022) PL(03)102 Rev B Master Site Plan (received 27th September 2022) PL(03)103 Rev A Ownership and Phasing Plan (received 27th September 2022) PL(03...
EHO01 No development or site clearance shall commence, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include the following details: i) the parking of vehicles of ...
- No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured agreement for a written scheme of historic environment (archaeological) mitigation which has been submitted by the applicant to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter...
LS07 No development shall take place, nor any demolition works or site clearance, until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority details of a scheme for the protection of trees shown to be retained on the Tree Protection Plan within the Arboricultural Report, in...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a lighting strategy for the development, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall be designed to minimise impacts on wildlife and shall take account of the submitted Ecological Reports. The lighting sh...
A04 Prior to the commencement of development a schedule of materials, including samples, to be used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved de...
A03 The solar panels shall be erected in accordance with details which shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard local visual amenities, as required by Policy MD2 (Design of New Development) of the Local Development Plan.
- Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for reptile mitigation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include measures to minimise the risk of harm to reptiles during construction and the creation of habitat suitable for reptiles, ...
- Bat, bird and hedgehog boxes shall be provided on the site in accordance with the recommendations made by the Preliminary Ecology Appraisal and prior to the commencement of development, details of the type, number and location of these boxes to be installed shall be submitted to and approved in writ...
- Prior to the commencement of development, and in addition to the landscaping scheme, a scheme shall be submitted for the translocation of trees on the site and additional planting to mitigate for the trees that are to be removed, a timescale for these works and plan for the management of the trees l...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a landscape and ecological management plan for the site lasting no less than 10 years to ensure that biodiversity is retained an enhanced on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include, but not e...
LS01 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, no development or site clearance shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping. The scheme shall include indications of all existing trees (including spread and species) and hedg...
LS02 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 1...
A08 All means of enclosure associated with the development hereby approved shall be completed in accordance with a scheme to be first submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and which shall include the provision of “hedgehog friendly” fencing where appropriate and the provisi...
- Prior to the commencement of development, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the following works: • Full engineering details of the shared footway/cycleway to be installed from Cedar Way through to the western site boundary; • The upgrading ...
- Full engineering details and associated calculations of the proposed access and highway works, incorporating vision splays, street lighting, road signs, surface water drainage strategy and any retaining structures retaining or adjacent to the highway/public open space shall be submitted to and agree...
- Prior to the commencement of development, a condition survey shall be carried out on Myrtle Close and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall set out a timetable for construction and for a second condition survey and its submission to the Local Planning Autho...
HW01 Prior to the commencement of development or site clearance, a Construction Traffic Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Management Plan shall include details of parking for construction traffic, the proposed routes for heavy constructio...
- In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing within 2 days to the Local Planning Authority, all associated works must stop, and no further development shall take place unless otherwis...
- Any aggregate (other than virgin quarry stone) or recycled aggregate material to be imported shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a scheme of investigation which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of i...
- Any site won material including soils, aggregates, recycled materials shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a sampling scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of the reuse of site won materials....
SU001 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a Travel Plan shall be prepared to include a package of measures tailored to the needs of the site and its future users, which aims to widen travel choices by all modes of transport, encourage sustainable transport and cut unnecessary car...
- Prior to the erection of the proposed substation on the southern boundary of the site, details of its housing and means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The substation shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details. Reason:...
- Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development, the access, parking and turning facilities for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians shall be laid out in accordance with PL(03)102 Rev B Master Site Plan (received 27th September 2022) and that space shall thereafter be kept available for the such...
- The development, as defined by The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), will require SuDS Approval Body (SAB) approval prior to the commencement of construction. Further information on the SAB process can be found on the Council’s website or by contacting the SAB team: sab@valeofglamorg...
- The contamination assessments and the effects of unstable land are considered on the basis of the best information available to the Local Planning Authority and are not necessarily exhaustive. The Authority takes due diligence when assessing these impacts, however you are minded that the responsibil...
- The applicant may need to apply to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water for any connection to the public sewer under S106 of the Water industry Act 1991. If the connection to the public sewer network is either via a lateral drain (i.e. a drain which extends beyond the connecting property boundary) or via a new sew...
- The applicant is advised that some public sewers and lateral drains may not be recorded on Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s maps of public sewers because they were originally privately owned and were transferred into public ownership by nature of the Water Industry (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Re...
- The archaeological work required by the relevant condition must be undertaken to the appropriate Standard and Guidance set by Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), (www.archaeologists.net/codes/ifa) and it is recommended that it is carried out either by a CIfA Registered Organisation (www.a...
- The applicant/developer may be required to incorporate as part of the requirement for full engineering details the provision of a new Traffic Regulatory Order (TRO) for the inclusion of double yellow lining and any additional requirements as deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority, to provi...
- The Highway Authority will require the developer to enter into a legally binding Section 278/38 agreement to secure the proper implementation of the highway improvement works on existing adopted highway and for the proposed new highway works serving the development, which shall incorporate the appro...
- In respect of the public art condition, it is expected that 0.755% of the project budget will be set aside for public art within the scheme.
A07 No development shall commence until details of existing ground levels within and adjacent to the site and proposed finished ground and floor levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved det...
- The applicant is asked to note that the reserved matters application will be reported to the Planning Committee for a decision, as requested by Members when this hybrid planning application was considered at the Planning Committee of 23rd November 2022.
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 29/03/2022 Consult -
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Chief Fire Officer 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Chief Fire Officer 21/09/2022 Consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 29/03/2022 Consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 29/03/2022 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 29/03/2022 Consult -
Ecology Officer 29/03/2022 Consult -
Ecology Officer 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Estates (Strategic Property Estates) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Estates (Strategic Property Estates) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Head of Adult Services 29/03/2022 Consult -
Head of Adult Services 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Highway Development, 29/03/2022 Consult -
Highway Development, 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Landscape Section (Dock Offices) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Landscape Section (Dock Offices) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 24/06/2022 Consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Penarth Town Council 26/03/2024 Decision -
Penarth Town Council 29/03/2022 Consult -
Penarth Town Council 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 29/03/2022 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 29/03/2022 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 29/03/2022 Consult -
South Wales Police 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Stanwell Ward2 29/03/2022 Consult -
Stanwell Ward2 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
StanwellWard1 29/03/2022 Consult -
StanwellWard1 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Transport and Road Safety, 29/03/2022 Consult -
Transport and Road Safety, 29/09/2022 Re-consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
no address - - -
33 Cae Gwyn Penarth - - -
33 Cae Gwyn - - -
29 Cae Gwyn Penarth - - -
32 Cae Gwyn - - -
27 Myrtle Close Penarth - - -
1 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
10 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
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12 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
13 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
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19 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
2 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
21 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
23 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
25 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
27 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
29 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
3 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
30 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
31 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
32 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
33 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
34 CAE GWYN PENARTH CF64 3JY 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
4 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
5 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
6 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
63 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3NN 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
65 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3NN 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
7 DOL GWARTHEG PENARTH CF64 3JW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
7 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
74 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3PW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
75 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3PW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
76 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3PW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
78 CEDAR WAY PENARTH CF64 3PW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
8 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
9 DOL GWARTHEG PENARTH CF64 3JW 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
9 MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 - 19/04/2022
FLAT 1 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 11/10/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 10 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 11 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 12 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 14 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 15 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 16 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 17 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 18 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 19 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 2 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 20 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 21 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 22 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 23 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 24 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 25 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 26 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 27 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 28 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 29 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 3 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 30 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 31 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 32 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 33 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 34 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 35 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 36 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 37 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 38 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 39 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 4 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 40 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 41 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 42 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 43 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 5 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 6 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 7 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 8 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
FLAT 9 OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
MANAGERS OFFICE OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
OAK COURT MYRTLE CLOSE PENARTH CF64 3NQ 29/03/2022 29/09/2022 19/04/2022
  File name Created date
Planning Submission
Approved / Refused Documents
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 14/04/2022
2 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 07/04/2022
Number Description
1 1984/00079/S53, Address: Myrtle Close, adjacent to St. Cyres Field, Penarth, Proposal: Use of land as leisure gardens (allotments) site, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: DCD,Decision Date: 1984-04-03 00:00:00+01;
2 1988/00968/REG5, Address: Land south of Myrtle Close, Penarth, Proposal: Dev. for Category 2.5 Sheltered Housing Units for Elderly Infirm & small Homecare Unit, 40 self-contained units plus Warden & Deputy Warden Accomm. (Minute No.358 - 25.7.88 ref), Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1988-10-24 00:00:00+00;
3 1988/00969/REG5, Address: Land south of Myrtle Close, Penarth, Proposal: Sheltered Housing for Elderly Infirm & Daycare Centre. 40 S/C units & Warden & Deputy Warden Accommodation., Decision: Withdrawn,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1989-02-14 00:00:00+00;
4 1993/01129/OUT, Address: Cogan Hall Farm, off Dinas Road, Penarth, Proposal: Residential development, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: SG,Decision Date: 1997-10-13 00:00:00+01;
5 2000/00665/OUT, Address: Cogan Hall Farm, off Dinas Road, Penarth, Proposal: Renewal of application 93/01129/OUT - Residential development, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: MG,Decision Date: 2001-02-23 00:00:00+00;
6 2003/00443/RES, Address: Site N1, Cogan Hall Farm, Penarth, Proposal: Residential development including garages and associated works - 98 No. dwellings, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: TD,Decision Date: 2004-02-26 00:00:00+00;
7 2003/01289/RES, Address: Site N1, Cogan Hall Farm, Dinas Road, Penarth, Proposal: Revised design of main access road through site N1 connecting parcels S1 and N3., Decision: Approved,Case Officer: TD,Decision Date: 2003-12-12 00:00:00+00;
8 2004/00123/OUT, Address: Cogan Hall Farm, off Dinas Road, Penarth, Proposal: Variation of Conditions 2 and 4 to extend time limits for two years (Application 00/00665/OUT), Decision: NULL,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: NULL;
9 2004/01479/RES, Address: Site N1, Cogan Hall Farm, Penarth, Proposal: Siting of Victorian design conservatories to plots 1, 2, 4-16, 18-22, 24-26, 32-34, 36, 37 41-43, 45, 46, 48, 61, 62, 66, 73-81, 83, 91-93, 95 and 98, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: MPH,Decision Date: 2004-11-04 00:00:00+00;
10 2004/01652/TPO, Address: Regent's Gate, Cogan Hall Farm, Penarth, Proposal: Undertake remedial works to selected trees, Decision: ,Case Officer: ,Decision Date: ;
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