Search the Council’s Planning & Building Control Registers

Please read the Disclaimer, Copyright Information and Privacy Statements carefully. Click on the Accept & Continue button at the bottom of the page to enable you to search the registers.

The Council has an online register for records relating to both Development and Building Control. Please note that all registers are updated daily. Should you require assistance accessing details on the registers, or information regarding determined files, please contact the planning department on 01446 704681. For applications, appeals or enforcement cases that have not yet been determined, please contact the officer indicated.


This site only contains electronic records held by the Council and is not a complete database of all information held. While the Council takes great care to ensure that the information on this site is accurate, we cannot accept any liability or responsibility should you rely on this information and find it to be incorrect. We will also not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.

Until we are satisfied that personal information held on applications has been removed, we will only display basic information. We will check and release this information upon request. Please email

Please Note: Any views expressed in any of the documents are not necessarily the views of the Vale of Glamorgan Council unless stated. The Council also reserves the right not to publish all or parts of documents submitted in connection with an application.

If you have any reason to suspect that the information is incorrect, please contact us immediately by e-mailing so that the matter can be investigated and any corrections made as soon as reasonably practical.


Printing / photocopying and re-use of plans ‘Pursuant to Section 47 of the Copyright, Design & Patents Act 1988, plans must not be copied without the Authority of the copyright holder’.

Planning Applications Register

Commenting on a Planning Application

If you wish to comment on a planning application, the easiest way to do this is to view the record in the online register and to use the relevant link at the top of the page 'comment on this planning application' to submit your comments.

Please note that any comments submitted will be available to view via the Council's online register, accordingly please ensure that you do not include any information that you do not wish to be published such as phone numbers or email addresses in your response.

The Council may publish your comments on its website, and this will include your name and address. If you do not want any personal information published you should ensure that you do not include your telephone number or email address or any other personal, medical or financial information in any written or typed correspondence and should use a typed signature.

You should not include any defamatory or obscene comments.

If an appeal against the application is submitted to the Welsh Government’s Planning Inspectorate, they will also publish your comments on the internet.

Commenting on planning applications which are to be reported to Committee

When comments are submitted in relation to planning applications that are being reported to Planning Committee, outside of the statutory consultation period of 21 days, it should be noted that those comments may be received too late to be included within the formal committee report. This is because reports are usually prepared some two weeks before the actual Planning Committee Meeting.

In order to ensure that members of the public and other organisations/bodies with an interest in a particular application are not placed at a disadvantage, the Authority will accept and report observations received up until 12 p.m. on the day before Committee. These comments are circulated in the form of a late report to Committee members on the evening before Committee by Email and are presented in hard copy form at the actual meeting.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement along with the Councils Privacy Notice explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when you use the Council’s Online Planning register and also provides you with details of your rights under the Data Protection Act.

What information do we collect about you?

When determining a planning or related application, the Council receives a variety of personal information from a number of sources, including the application form and any documents of support or objection, the applicant and interested parties. The types of personal information supplied can include:

  • contact information - your name, address, email address, telephone or mobile numbers;
  • your occupation;
  • information relating to expressed opinions or intentions in respect of a planning application.

If we receive any special category information e.g. information about your health we will ensure that this is not published.

Publication and Access to Information

In order to comply with its statutory obligations, the Council must make public certain details relating to planning applications in the form of a public register. Regulations allow this information to be made available on the Internet. The Council is also under a statutory obligation to publish on its website a list of planning applications. This includes the name and address of the applicant and, where an agent is acting for the applicant, the name and address of that agent.

Information for Applicants and Agents

The Council will publish on its website a copy of your completed application form and relevant supporting documents and drawings. This will include your name and address and, where an agent is acting for you, the name and address of that agent.
In order to protect your personal data from any unnecessary disclosure, the Council will remove the applicants telephone number, email address and signature from the information that may be viewed via the website.

Data Protection

The Council will process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and the Data Protection Act 2018. The Council primarily collects personal information about you in this situation:

  • For the purposes of dealing with and considering the application

The Council as the Local Planning Authority for the Vale of Glamorgan is responsible for ensuring that the management and development and use of land within the Vale of Glamorgan is in accordance with the law. The Council is allowed to process personal information in this situation because it is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council.

Where sensitive personal data is processed Data Protection laws require the Council to demonstrate additional reasons for its need and use. Planning applications will sometimes contain sensitive personal data because of the reasons for the application and/or the nature of the work to be carried out. The Council is allowed to process this information because it is in the substantial public interest to do so.

Your responsibilities:

  • Only provide personal information if you are happy for it to be placed in the public domain, including publication on the internet.
  • Do not include personal information about another person (including family members) unless the individual concerned has consented and you can provide evidence of this consent.
  • Tell us as soon as possible if any of the personal information you have provided should change.

The Council may share the information you provide with others. This will include other departments within the Council as part of the planning process and on occasion third parties. It also has a legal duty to make certain details available on a public register this is referred to separately in this notice. It may share your information with the planning inspectorate and/or Welsh Government and/or other third parties but only where it is allowed to do so.

Where the Council uses external organisations to assist with processing activities your information may be shared but only what is necessary. Where your information is shared with others the Council will ensure that the processing is compliant with Data Protection laws. Further details about how the Council uses and shares information together with your rights can be found on the Council’s main privacy notice. Details of which are set out above.

Planning Appeals Register

The online appeals register allows you to search and view details of appeals that have been made since 1990 in respect of planning applications and Enforcement Notices. Again, where relevant documents are available, these can be viewed.

Privacy Statement

Please see the statement for planning applications.

Planning Enforcement Register

The online planning enforcement register allows you to search and view alleged breaches of planning control that have been or are being investigated by the Vale of Glamorgan Council since 1996.

Where a legal Notice has been served (for example, an Enforcement Notice or a Breach of Condition Notice) such documents can also be viewed.

Privacy Statement

There is a statutory requirement to publish an enforcement notice register, however given the potentially sensitive nature of this information, particular care needs to be taken to ensure that potentially damaging information relating to individuals is not made public unless justified under the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. Accordingly, anyone making allegations about breaches of planning control should be reassured that their personal details will not be made available without their permission.

Given the above all enforcement cases identified in the register only deal with property addresses and do not detail any personal information except where enforcement notices have been served.

Building Control Register

The online building control register allows you to search and view Building Regulation Applications that have been submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council since 1996. When available, this includes associated documents.

Privacy Statement

Given there is no Statutory Register of Building Regulation applications, and the nature of the public interest, it is only relevant to show limited information about building regulation applications, e.g. application number, address, description of proposed development, relevant dates and application/development status. Applicants telephone numbers or email addresses are not included in the online register.