Comment for planning application 2023/00051/HYB

No.1 Dock and The Mole, Neptune Road, Barry Waterfront, Barry
The proposals for the site are the subject of a hybrid application and are made up of five distinct, but complementary, components as follows: 1. Outline planning permission is sought for the creation of a new 400-berth marina with floating pontoons within the No. 1 Dock at Barry Waterfront. 2. Full planning permission is sought for engineering works to raise the existing ground levels of the Mole site to a minimum of 9.00m AOD in order to- mitigate against potential future flood risk. 3. On the eastern part of the site outline planning permission is sought for the development of a marina office building which will include facilities for visitors/ members and a restaurant. 4. Adjacent to the marina building outline planning permission is sought for an incubator workspace building comprising offices, smart innovation space, break-out space and a café. 5. On the western part of the site outline planning permission is sought for residential development comprising townhouses and apartments. The application also proposes ancillary development including access, parking, landscaping and public open space and other associated infrastructure
Case Officer

Mr Greg Smart
Barry Town Council,Holton Rd
Type of Comment
1. NO OBJECTION 2. No objection subject to the following concerns being addressed; The quantity and quality of "brought-in" material in order to achieve the raised height. A fully explained plan to show how that amount of material will be brought on site with the narrow and congested entrance through the newly built residential and cafe area of the Waterfront. How this material will be retained on top of the existingstructure. 3.No objection subject to design concerns and public access being addressed. 4. No objections to the proposed incubation space in principle, however thought be given to the building being of an iconic nature reflecting the historic importance of the town. Further concerns should be addressed over the lack of continuity with and support for existing, adjacent office space. 5. An objection is raised to the residential development.
Received Date