Consultee Comment for planning application 2022/01113/RG3

Land at Lower Cosmeston Farm, Lavernock
Proposed new specialised school and associated access, landscape, and engineering works
Case Officer

PLymouth Ward 1
Councillor A.M. Ernest
Type of Comment
Due to the extensive number of documents accompanying this proposed development, it is not possible to give an adequate response to the application without the benefit of a detailed explanation of the issues, and the possibility of a formal Site Visit for Local and adjoining Elected Members. However a couple of points are to be made outside of that summary. 1. No traffic orders are indicated in the plans to ameliorate the greatly increased traffic leading onto Fort Road as the main entrance to the proposed school. Fort Road is a quiet country lane, totally unsuited to the likely levels of traffic accessing the school. 2. No additional measures are in place to cater for a greatly increased number of vehicles undertaking a Right Turn out onto Lavernock Road from Fort Road. 3. An Active Travel access point is noted leading out onto Lavernock Road. No safety measures are currently in force to protect possible pedestrian traffic at this location. This needs rectification. 4. No account seems to have been taken of greatly increased volumes of vehicles travelling to and from the school site along Lavernock Road. Concern is expressed that a substantial number of additional vehicle movements into and out of the school site will simply cause additional hazards on an already busy highway. The applicants have failed to provide any additional safety measures to ameliorate this situation, which will lead to additional congestion and thus potential dangers to both vehicular and pedetrianised movements. 5. I have great concerns upon the impact on the junction with Westbourne Road to the north of the site, as well as the access into Brockhill Way serving the Cliff Walk Estate. Further comments may follow. Thank you.
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