Location |
Land at Model Farm, Port Road, Rhoose
Proposal |
Hybrid application comprising an outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 44.75ha Class B1/B2/B8 Business Park, car parking, landscaping, drainage infrastructure, ecological mitigation and ancillary works (all matters reserved aside from access) within Area A and a full application for change of use from agricultural land to country park (Use Class D2) within Area B.
Case Officer |
Organisation | |
Name |
Rhoose Ward 2
Address |
Councillor Samantha Campbell
Type of Comment | |
Type | |
Comments |
I would like to reiterate my previous objections I have made towards application 2019/00871/OUT, from my position as a local resident of Rhoose and as the Rhoose Ward Councillor.
I believe that pushing forward with this planning would be a massively damaging mistake that has no future benefits for our local community. The Vale, as a whole, will be so negatively impacted that the quality of life of its residents will be permanently affected to no positive outcome for generations. This goes against the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 which requires us, as the local authority to assess the long term impacts of every decision we make, and mitigate as many negative impacts as possible. In some cases, this is not possible. However, we are fully aware of the negative impacts of this proposed development, and these are being ignored.
Unfortunately, there are no positives to this development. It will destroy the Vale. It will be destructive for my village and the quality of life for residents, myself included. It will become a derelict money pit the same as Bro Tathan, that can?t be unloaded on any business.
Honestly, I?m baffled that after declaring a climate emergency we are still debating this.
Please for my future, for the future of our children, don?t make the wrong decision.
Received Date | |
Attachments |