Comment for planning application 2023/00622/FUL

Land adjacent Littlemoor Farm, Squire Street, Llysworney
Erection of a single dwelling house, single storey detached garage, landscaping, and associated works
Case Officer

Mrs E Currie
Type of Comment
The reasons this development was turned down by you when the previous application was made are still valid. The lane alongside my boundary is very narrow and in extremely poor condition. Contractor's machinery will make matters worse. Not being able to walk any distance I enjoy the amenity of living next to Squire Street and being able to go on a short walk and enjoy the views of open countryside. I am not looking forward to the disruption and noise the planned building work is going to cause or the heavy machinery passing so close to my house and garden. Extra traffic will also be generated in future with the additional housing from multi car families and delivery drivers. I have an old stone barn which forms part of the boundary. I also have grandchildren who walk/cycle/scoot up and down along my boundary and the traffic generation will prevent this and my ability to walk down the lane and enjoy the peace and quiet this little bit of countryside provides. There are no detailed plans/drawing of the proposed garage.
Received Date