Comment for planning application 2023/00622/FUL

Land adjacent Littlemoor Farm, Squire Street, Llysworney
Erection of a single dwelling house, single storey detached garage, landscaping, and associated works
Case Officer

Mrs Elizabeth Rees
Sydney House Farm,Llysworney,
Type of Comment
Littlemoor Farm used to be outbuildings of Moor Farm, owned by HR Edwards, who I knew well and was a friend and neighbour. His estate sold it to the current owners, with a covenant on the whole plot, disallowing any alterations or building higher than one storey. This was to preserve the views for neighbouring properties, to the wider landscape, and over the property. The only higher part of Littlemoor Farm, as he named it, was the " pill box" part of the original pigsty. It is sad to see that the hedges have been neglected over the years, allowing them to grow tall and ragged. I have no objections to development here but think the covenant should be observed, and any new build should be no taller than one storey, not one and a half storeys or taller, to still allow neighbouring properties to retain lovely views over the fields.
Received Date