Consultee Comment for planning application 2023/00948/FUL

Land off Sandy Lane, Ystradowen
Full planning application for residential development together with engineering, drainage, landscaping, highways and other associated works
Case Officer

Penllyn Community Council
The Clerk, Penllyn Community Council, 13, Wye Close, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. CF62 7TF
Type of Comment
It is very disappointing that the revised plans have taken no account of the many previous comments regarding the need for access from both Sandy Lane and Badgers Brook Close, anyone who lives nearby can see that Sandy Lane is completely unsuitable as the sole access point. With approximately 40 new dwellings and approximately 2, or even possibly 3 cars per household, if they have older children, this will give rise at up to 80+ extra cars using the access road on a daily basis. Sandy Lane was built as a country lane and not suitable for this probable increase in traffic. Any approval should also include substantial S106 contributions towards highways traffic calming and community facilities in the village.?
Received Date