Comment for planning application 2023/00622/FUL

Land adjacent Littlemoor Farm, Squire Street, Llysworney
Erection of a single dwelling house, single storey detached garage, landscaping, and associated works
Case Officer

Mr Robin Betts
Meadow Brook,Llysworney
Type of Comment
We are objecting to this proposal. Our main concern remains that the proposed buildings are located on an area which has been given "significant view" status. We feel that the proposed building on this site neither serves to preserve nor enhance the character or appearance of this conservation area, and permanently obstructs these significant views. Therefore, this development is contrary to what is stipulated in Policy MD8 Historic Environment of the Vale of Glamorgan Adopted Local Development Plan 2011-2026. We disagree with the Heritage Statement which states that these views "do not actually provide important views to the wider landscape beyond the conservation area." Whilst an overgrown hedge and bush can be trimmed, a building is obviously a permanent obstruction. These views are a valuable asset to the village as a whole. They serve to enhance the natural beauty of this conservation area and should be preserved for future generations.
Received Date