Comment for planning application 2023/00622/FUL

Land adjacent Littlemoor Farm, Squire Street, Llysworney
Erection of a single dwelling house, single storey detached garage, landscaping, and associated works
Case Officer

Ms Allison Currie
The Stables ,Llysworney,Cowbridge
Type of Comment
See attached letter. In summary, the development will neither preserve the setting or special character of Llysworney, or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area. It will impact its amenity value to the village as a result of the loss of open spaces and significant views. This is not in support of objective 4 in the Vale's corporate plan 2020 to 2025, to respect, enhance and enjoy our environment, and specifically action three to protect, preserve and where possible enhance our natural environment. The green open spaces, significant views, and special character and setting of the village should be preserved for generations to come.
Received Date
Attachments The following files have been uploaded:
  • The Stables 11 July 2023.pdf