Welcome to the
Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2020/01170/OUT

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
Land at Upper Cosmeston Farm, Lavernock Road, Penarth
Outline application for residential development, a primary school, community space and public open space with all matters reserved other than access
Community Council
Penarth Town Council
Application Type
Outline planning application
Pending s106 Obligation
Applicants Name
Welsh Government
Agents Name
Ms Catherine Blyth
Applicant Address
Land Division Permanent Secretary's Group Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ
Agent Address
Unit 9 Oak Tree Court Cardiff Gate Business Park Cardiff CF23 8RS
Other Details
Mr. Robert Lankshear
Phone No
01446 704663
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Approve subject to Legal Agreement (outstanding)
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
NSA Prior to the commencement of any part of the development hereby approved (including demolition and site clearance) or the submission of any application for reserved matters or discharge of conditions, a phasing plan and timetable for each phase of residential development, the proposed school and all...
A12 Details of the appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved. Reason: To comply with the req...
A13 Any application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
A14 The development shall begin either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section...
A15 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the scale parameters of ridge heights, widths and depths specified in the document entitled ‘Parameter Plan – Building Parameters’ (ref: UFC-ASL-00-00-DR-A-0932) Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Co...
A02 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: Existing site plan UFC-ASL-00-ZZ-DR-A-0900 Rev 02 Illustrative Masterplan UFC-ASL-00-ZZ-DR-A-0930 Rev P9 Proposed Parameter Plan - Land Use and Density UFC-ASL-00-ZZ-DR-A-0931 Rev P8 Proposed P...
NSA No more than 576 residential units shall be erected on the application site. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt
EHO22 Prior to the commencement of any development a scheme to investigate and monitor the site for the presence of gases being generated at the site or land adjoining thereto, including a plan of the area to be monitored, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its approval. Following comp...
EHO16 No development (or site clearance) shall commence until an assessment of the nature and extent of contamination affecting the application site area [refer to plan to identify specific area within site] has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This assessment mus...
NSA Prior to the commencement of the development (or site clearance) a detailed remediation scheme and verification plan to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing any unacceptable risks to human health, controlled waters, buildings, other property and the natural and his...
EHO26 The remediation scheme as approved by the LPA must be fully undertaken in accordance with its terms prior to the occupation of any part of the development. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works. Within 6 months of th...
EHO19 In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing within 2 days to the Local Planning Authority, all associated works must stop, and no further development shall take place until a scheme ...
EHO20 Any topsoil (natural or manufactured), or subsoil or aggregate (other than virgin quarry stone) or recycled aggregate material to be imported shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a scheme of investigation which shall be submitted to and approved in writin...
EHO27 Any site won material including soils, aggregates, recycled materials shall be assessed for chemical or other potential contaminants in accordance with a sampling scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in advance of the reuse of site won materials....
AR02 No development approved by this permission shall commence until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which shall be submitted by the applicant and approved in w...
NSA No buildings on the application site shall be brought into beneficial use until such time as reinforcement works to the local water supply network, at which the development shall connect, have been completed as identified in a Hydraulic Modelling Assessment and written confirmation of this has been ...
NSA No development shall commence until a foul water drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall provide for the disposal of foul water flows and thereafter implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the o...
NSA Prior to the commencement of works on site (including any site clearance), a detailed Dormouse Conservation Strategy shall be submitted for the written approval the LPA. The strategy shall set out the likely impacts of the proposals on dormice, and detail measures that will be put in in place to mit...
NSA With reference to the detailed Dormouse Conservation Strategy approved as part of the outline consent, each Reserved Matters application shall include details of the specific measures that will be implemented for that phase of the development and confirm how they contribute to the implementation of ...
NS Prior to the commencement of any works on site associated with the matters approved as part of the outline planning permission, a lighting strategy shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval. The Lighting Plan should include: • Drawings setting out the location of...
NSA Each reserved matters application shall include full details of all external the lighting to be installed, for the written approval of the local planning authority. The Lighting Plan should include: • Details of the siting and type of external lighting to be used both during construction and oper...
NSA No development or phase of development shall commence until a Landscape Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) for the provision, management and maintenance of the landscape and ecological features at the site or specific phase, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The LEMP...
NSA Each Reserved Matters application shall include details, for the written approval of the LPA prior to works commencing on site, of the works that will be implemented to fulfil the LEMP agreed as part of the outline consent. The details shall include who is responsible for funding and undertaking the...
NSA No development or phase of development, including site clearance, shall commence until a pre-construction ecological survey (ncluding Bats and Dormice) has been carried out for the development or phase of development. If the survey confirms the presence of such species the results of the survey toge...
NSA No infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground is permitted other than with the express written consent of the local planning authority, which may be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to controlled waters. The dev...
EHO28 Piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods shall not be permitted other than with the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority has been provided in writing, which may be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant u...
NSA No development or any phase of development shall be carried out until the details of a buffer zone along the eastern boundary of the site have been submitted to and agreed in writing with the LPA. The buffer Zone will be of a scale and nature that will ensure that the special interest of the adjacen...
NSA Prior to the commencement of any site clearance, demolition, construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), until a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) for that particular phase shall be submitted to, and approved in writing ...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted Plans, prior to the commencement of any construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), full Engineering details of the internal road layout for the site inclusive of turning facilities, street lighting, high...
NSA Prior to commencement of development, a programme of topographic surveys of the cliff face and subsequent assessment of erosion rates shall be submitted to and approved in writing and undertaken with the specification, deliverables and timing of surveys to be agreed in advance by the Local Planning ...
NS Prior to the commencement of the development of any phase of development hereby approved (as defined by condition 1 of this consent), a Travel Plan shall be prepared to include a package of measures tailored to the needs of the site and its future users, which aims to widen travel choices by all mod...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of any construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), a strategy setting out a scheme of replacement/supplementary tree and hedgerow planting for the whole site or any phas...
NSA All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development within any particular phase (as agreed by condition 1 of this permission), w...
NSA Prior to the commencement of any site clearance, demolition, construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), a revised Arboricultural Implications Assessment and Method Statement for that particular phase, shall be submitted to and approv...
NSA Prior to the commencement of any site clearance, demolition, construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), a Construction Traffic Management Plan for that particular phase, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Plan...
NSA Prior to the commencement of any site clearance, construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), details of the finished levels of the site and dwellings in relation to existing ground levels shall be submitted to and approved in writing ...
NSA Prior to the beneficial occupation of any phase of development as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof), a scheme (including details of the timing of such provision) for the provision and maintenance of Public Open Space (including any children's play equipment) for that phase o...
NSA No development (including site clearance and demolition) shall take place within each reserved matters approval, until a Condition Survey of an agreed route along the adopted highway has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The extent of the area to be surveyed ...
NSA Within 1 month following the completion of the development in respect of each reserved matters application, a Second Condition Survey along the route agreed under Condition 38 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Second Condition Survey shall identify an...
NSA Prior to the submission of any reserved matters submission, a revised masterplan and Design Code shall be submitted for approval of the Local Planning Authority, to demonstrate that principal road layout and junctions are designed to requisite local and national highway standards. Any subsequent res...
NSA Any reserved matters submission shall be supported by full details of the public art to be provided on any respective part of the site. The Public Art shall thereafter be implemented on the site in accordance with the approved details no later than 12 months following the substantial completion of t...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of development hereby approved, further details of a scheme of off-site highway works to facilitate improvements to the junction of Lavernock Road/Westbourne Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Author...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of development hereby approved, further details of a scheme of off-site highway works to facilitate improvements to the junction of Lavernock Road/Dinas Road and Victoria Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Pl...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of any construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof, full Engineering details (including design calculations) of the works to facilitate access to the development from Lave...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of any construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof, full Engineering details (including design calculations) of the internal road layout for the site inclusive of turning fa...
NSA Prior to the commencement of any site clearance, construction works or development on any phase as agreed by condition 1 of this permission (or part thereof) a wildlife/biodiversity habitat protection, enhancement and management plan for that phase for each species/species group identified within th...
NSA Prior to the commencement of development, a landscape, woodland and ecological enhancement, monitoring and management plan for the whole site lasting no less than 10 years (from the approval of the plan) to ensure that biodiversity is retained and enhanced on the site shall be submitted to and appro...
NONS The contamination assessments and the affects of unstable land are considered on the basis of the best information available to the Planning Authority and are not necessarily exhaustive. The Authority takes due diligence when assessing these impacts, however you are minded that the responsibility fo...
II003 In accordance with the advice of the National Assembly for Wales regarding development of contaminated land I am giving you notice that the responsibility for safe development and secure occupancy of a site rests with the developer. Whilst the Council has determined the application on the informati...
II009 The attention of the applicant is drawn to the fact that a public sewer runs through the site and may be affected by the development.
II040 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) have advised that some public sewers and lateral drains may not be recorded on their maps of public sewers because they were originally privately owned and were transferred into public ownership by nature of the Water Industry (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Reg...
II030 The proposed development site is crossed by a public sewer. No development (including the raising or lowering of ground levels) will be permitted within the safety zone which is measured either side of the centre line. For details of the safety zone please contact Dwr Cymru Welsh Water's Network D...
II023 The applicants are advised that all necessary consents / licences must be obtained from Natural Resources Wales (formerly Environment Agency Wales) prior to commencing any site works. The Natural Resources Wales, Ty Cambria, 29 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 0TP General enquiries: telephone 0300 065 30...
II021 Where the work involves the creation of, or alteration to, an access to a highway the applicant must ensure that all works comply with the appropriate standards of the Council as Highway Authority. For details of the relevant standards contact the Visible Services Division, The Vale of Glamorgan Co...
II028 In accordance with Regulation 3(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999, the Local Planning Authority took into account all environmental information submitted with this application.
II033 Bats must not be disturbed or destroyed during tree work. A full visual inspection of the trees to be worked on must be carried out prior to intended work to check for the presence of bats. Advice on bats and trees may be obtained from the Natural Resources Wales (Countryside Council for Wales as ...
II034 You should note that the building / site may constitute a breeding or resting place (roost) for bats, both of which are protected by law through UK legislation under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended) and through European legislation under the Habitats Directive (EC Directive 92/43...
II045 Warning: An European protected species (EPS) Licence is required for this development. This planning permission does not provide consent to undertake works that require an EPS licence. It is an offence to deliberately capture, kill or disturb EPS or to recklessly damage or destroy their breeding s...
II046 New developments of more than one dwelling or where the area covered by construction work equals or exceeds 100 square metres as defined by The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3), will require SuDS Approval Body (SAB) approval prior to the commencement of construction. Further info...
II007 The attention of the applicant is brought to the fact that a public right of way is affected by the proposal. The grant of planning permission does not entitle one to obstruct, stop or divert a public right of way. Development, in so far as it affects a right of way, must not be commenced until th...
II027 This development is on adopted highway and therefore a Highway Extinguishment under the Highways Act 1980 will be required before work can commence. For further details please contact the Highways Department, The Vale of Glamorgan Council, The Alps, Wenvoe, Cardiff; CF5 6AA. Telephone No. 02920 673...
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 23/10/2020 Consult -
Cadw, Ancient Monuments 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Contaminated Land, Air & Water Quality 23/10/2020 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 23/10/2020 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 23/10/2020 Consult -
Ecology Officer 23/10/2020 Consult -
Ecology Officer 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Education Section 23/10/2020 Consult -
Education Section 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Estates (Strategic Property Estates) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Estates (Strategic Property Estates) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Executive Director of Public Health 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Executive Director of Public Health 23/10/2020 Consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 23/10/2020 Consult -
Highway Development, 23/10/2020 Consult -
Highway Development, 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Public Sector Housing) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Landscape Section (Dock Offices) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Landscape Section (Dock Offices) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Legal Services 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Legal Services 23/10/2020 Consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 23/10/2020 Consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
O M Parks and Grounds Maintenance 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
O M Parks and Grounds Maintenance 23/10/2020 Consult -
Penarth Town Council 23/10/2020 Consult -
Penarth Town Council 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Plymouth Ward 1 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Plymouth Ward 2 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Plymouth Ward1 OBSOLETE 23/10/2020 Consult -
Plymouth Ward2 OBSOLETE 23/10/2020 Consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 23/10/2020 Consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 23/10/2020 Consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 23/10/2020 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
South Wales Police 23/10/2020 Consult -
Sports & Play Development Manager 23/10/2020 Consult -
Sports & Play Development Manager 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Sully Community Council 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Sully Community Council 23/10/2020 Consult -
Sully Ward 2 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
SullyWard1 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
SullyWard1 23/10/2020 Consult -
SullyWard2 OBSOLETE 23/10/2020 Consult -
Transport and Road Safety, 23/10/2020 Consult -
Transport and Road Safety, 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Waste Management 25/07/2022 Re-consult -
Waste Management 23/10/2020 Consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
Vale Veloways - 21/07/2022 -
Agent - - -
110 Merthyr Street, Barry CF63 4LD - - -
20 Railway Terrace, Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan. - 21/07/2022 -
Treetops 12 St Augustines Cresent Penarth CF64 1BG - - -
105 Lavernock Road Penarth CF64 3QG - - -
https://battery-casino.com/ - - -
1 Baron Road Penarth Vale of Glamorgan - - -
2 Stanton way Penarth - - -
8 Connybeare Road CF64 5US - 21/07/2022 -
20 Whitcliffe Drive Penarth - - -
no adress - - -
No Address Given - - -
4 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
18 Raven Way Penarth CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
74 Althorp Drive - - -
no address given - 21/07/2022 -
- - 21/07/2022 -
5 Osprey Close Sully Penarth - - -
14, Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
no adress - - -
5 Afan Close, Barry - - -
no address provided - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way Lavernock Park Lavernock Penarth CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way Lavernock Park Cosmeston CF64 5FU - - -
3 Plover Way, Lavernock Park Lavernock CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way, Lavernock Park Cosmeston CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
no address given - - -
5 Halton Close Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF645RW - 21/07/2022 -
27 Plymouth td - - -
12 St Augustines Crescent Penarth CF64 1BG - 21/07/2022 -
48 Winston Road - - -
18 althorp drive - - -
31 Melyn Y Gors Barry CF63 1DE - 21/07/2022 -
1 fulmar close Penarth CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
Flat 15, Ffordd pentre - - -
22 Fulmar Close Penarth CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
33 Castle Avenue CF64 3QY - 21/07/2022 -
42 Windsor Road Penarth - - -
18 Waun Ganol Caversham park Penarth Cf64 3rh - 21/07/2022 -
7 Uppercliff Drive Penarth - - -
119 Westbourne Road Penarth CF64 5BR - 21/07/2022 -
4 Falcon Grove Penarth CF64 5FB - - -
5, Shearwater Close Penarth CF64 5FX - 21/07/2022 -
3 Forrest Road, Penarth - - -
24 Underwood Place Brackla CF31 2LR - 21/07/2022 -
4 Falcon Grove Lavernock Penarth CF64 5FB - - -
15 Petrel Close, Penarthg - - -
16 Norris Close Penarth Cf64 2qw - 21/07/2022 -
16 Norris Close - - -
15 Petrel Close - - -
15 Petrel Close, Lavernock Park, Penarth, CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
15 Petrel Close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
15 Petrel Close - - -
3 Mallard Way Cosmeston CF645FG - 21/07/2022 -
Falcon Grove Penarth CF64 5FB - 21/07/2022 -
37 Whitlciffe Drive Penarth CF64 5RY - 21/07/2022 -
37 Whitcliffe Drive Penarth - - -
53 Cae Canol Penarth CF64 3RL - 21/07/2022 -
82 Westbourne Road Penarth CF64 3HG - 21/07/2022 -
24 Knowbury Avenue Penarth CF64 5RX - 21/07/2022 -
5 Shearwater Close CF64 5FX - 21/07/2022 -
19 Mariners Height Penarth - - -
68 Plassey Street - 21/07/2022 -
1 The Drive, Windyridge, Dinas Powys - - -
10 Forrest Rd Penarth CF64 5BT - 21/07/2022 -
9 Plover Way CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
Hickman Road Penarth - - -
Cornerstones, 13B Clinton Road CF64 3JD - 21/07/2022 -
18 John Street Penarth - - -
17 Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
78 Victoria Road CF64 3HZ - 21/07/2022 -
10, Petrel Close, Lavernock Park, Penarth CF645FT - 21/07/2022 -
12 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
6 Heath Park Crescent CF14 3RL - 21/07/2022 -
Lavernock road, Penarth CF64 - 21/07/2022 -
4 Bittern Way Vale of Glamorgam CF64 5FS - 21/07/2022 -
11 Knowbury Avenue CF64 5RX - 21/07/2022 -
7 Augusta Crescent Penarth For Penarth Civic Society CF64 5RL - 21/07/2022 -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan CF64 5QA - 21/07/2022 -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan - - -
1 Baron Road Penarth CF64 3UD - 21/07/2022 -
20 Whitcliffe Drive, Penarh, Vale of Glamorgan CF645RY - 21/07/2022 -
20 Whitcliffe Drive, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan CF645RY - 21/07/2022 -
Heol Neuadd Cogan Penarth CF64 3RQ - 21/07/2022 -
3 The Moorings Penarth CF64 1SG - 21/07/2022 -
81 Lavernock Road Penarth Cf643NY - 21/07/2022 -
2 Ger y Llan CF5 6SY - 21/07/2022 -
109 Windsor Road Penarth CF64 1 JF - 21/07/2022 -
7 Park Road Penarth CF64 3BD - 21/07/2022 -
15 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
18 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
12 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
12 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
12 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth - - -
10 Beechwood Drive, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. CF64 3QZ - 21/07/2022 -
17 Clevedon Avenue Sully CF645SX - 21/07/2022 -
45 Lavernock Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan CF64 3NX - 21/07/2022 -
82 Redlands Road Penarth CF64 2WL - 21/07/2022 -
1-2 Cosmeston Cottages Lavernock Road Lavernock Vale of Glamorgan CF64 5UQ - 21/07/2022 -
Norbury Crosscommon Rd Dinas Powys CF64 4tp - 21/07/2022 -
5 Afan Close - 21/07/2022 -
4 Lloyd Avenue Llandaff Cardiff CF5 2BX - 21/07/2022 -
14 Upper Cosmeston Farm CF645UB - 21/07/2022 -
5 Shearwater Close, Penarth CF64 5FX - 21/07/2022 -
28 Cosmeston Drive Penarth CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
28 Cosmeston Drive Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
5 Afan Close, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. - - -
18 Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
18 Upper Cosmeston farm Penarth - - -
5 Afan Close, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 7PY - 21/07/2022 -
72 Stanwell Road Penarth CF64 3LQ - 21/07/2022 -
72 Stanwell Road Penarth CF64 3LQ - 21/07/2022 -
14 Heol Tre Forys CF643RE - 21/07/2022 -
Plwcca Dafydd Farm Tredodridge, CF71 7UL - 21/07/2022 -
18 Fulmar Close Lavernock Penarth CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
18 Fulmar Close Penarth CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
18 Fulmar Close Penarth - - -
105 Westbourne Road Penarth CF64 5BQ - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way, Lavernock Park Lavernock, CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way, Lavernock Park, Cosmeston, Lavernock CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
3 Plover Way Lavernock Park Cosmeston Lavernock CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
Chair, Keep Cosmeston Green 3 Plover Way Lavernock Park Cosmeston CF64 5FU - 21/07/2022 -
110 Redlands Road CF64 2WN - 21/07/2022 -
20a Forrest Road CF64 5BT - 21/07/2022 -
13 Petrel Close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
13 Petrel Close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
13 Petrel Close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
20 Cosmeston Drive Lavernock - - -
68 Clive Rd Barry Vale of Glamorgan - - -
8 BitternWay, Penarth CF64 5FS - 21/07/2022 -
40 Brockhill Way Penarth CF64 5QD - 21/07/2022 -
2 Southglade Sully Penarth CF645TU - 21/07/2022 -
18 whitcliffe drive Cf64 5ry - 21/07/2022 -
3 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
7 petrel close Penarth - - -
3 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
3 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
8 clive road St Athan Cf624jd - 21/07/2022 -
1 Hastings Avenue Penarth CF64 2TE - 21/07/2022 -
11 Roxburgh Garden Court Penarth Vale of Glam cf643dx - 21/07/2022 -
1 Osprey Close CF64 5FD - 21/07/2022 -
9 Mallard Way Penarth CF64 5FG - 21/07/2022 -
4 Falcon Grove Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 5FB - 21/07/2022 -
5 Pembroke Terrace CF64 1DE - 21/07/2022 -
45 Althorp Drive Penarth CF645FJ - 21/07/2022 -
11, Stanton Way CF64 5 RQ - 21/07/2022 -
11 Llandaff Close Vale of Glamorgan - - -
12 Fulmar Close CF645FE - 21/07/2022 -
7 Byron Court - - -
71 Lavernock Road, Penarth CF64 3NY - 21/07/2022 -
21 clevedon avenue sully vale of glamorgan cf645sx - 21/07/2022 -
9 Heol y Brenin, Penarth CF64 3HR - 21/07/2022 -
Jubilee Hall, Smithies Avenue, Sully - - -
Jubilee Hall Smithies Avenue, Sully - - -
45 Cedar Way Penarth Cf64 3nn - 21/07/2022 -
8 Cosmeston Drive CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
1 Bittern Way Penarth CF645FS - 21/07/2022 -
1 Bittern Way Penarth CF645FS - 21/07/2022 -
1 Bittern Way - - -
1 Bittern Way - - -
1 Bittern Way - - -
7 Raven Way CF64 5FH - 21/07/2022 -
8 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth - - -
119 Plymouth Rd Penarth - - -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan - - -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan CF64 5QA - 21/07/2022 -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan CF64 5QA - 21/07/2022 -
The White House, 50 Camp Road Gerrards Cross SL97PD - 21/07/2022 -
- - 21/07/2022 -
1, Fulmar Close Penarth CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
1 Fulmar Close - - -
8 Robert Street - - -
64 Plymouth Road Penarth Cf64 3dj - 21/07/2022 -
1 Falcon Grove CF64 5FB - 21/07/2022 -
122, Westbourne Road CF64 3HH - 21/07/2022 -
4 petrel close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
63 Redlands Rd - - -
7 Britten Rd, Penarth CF643QJ - 21/07/2022 -
2 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
7 Knowbury Avenue Penarth CF645RX - 21/07/2022 -
3 Albert Road Cf641bx - 21/07/2022 -
85 Alfred Street, Roath, Cardiff. Cf244tz - 21/07/2022 -
12 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
21 Upper Cosmeston Farm CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
5 Thorn Grove Penarth CF64 5BZ - 21/07/2022 -
47 South Road Sully CF64 5SL - 21/07/2022 -
https://code-herb.com/ - - -
32, Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan CF64 5QA - 21/07/2022 -
32 Porlock Drive Sully Vale Of Glamorgan - - -
4 Upper Cosmeston Farm Lavernock vale of glamorgan CF64 UB - - -
3 Althorpe Drive Penarth VL - - -
3 Baroness Place Penarth - - -
46 Conybeare Road, Sully, Vale of Glamorgan. CF64 5US - 21/07/2022 -
14 Upper Cosmeston Farm - - -
6 Thorn Grove Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 5BZ - 21/07/2022 -
85 Westbourne Road Penarth CF64 3HD - 21/07/2022 -
53 Althorp Drive Cosmeston Penarth CF64 5FJ - 21/07/2022 -
15 Fulmar Close Lavernock Park Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 5FE - 21/07/2022 -
101 Redlands Road CF64 2WF - 21/07/2022 -
9 Porlock drive, sully Cf645qa - 21/07/2022 -
42 Cosmeston Drive Penarth CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
12 Raven Way Cosmeston Penarth CF64 5FH - 21/07/2022 -
77 Cosmeston Drive CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
77 Cosmeston Drive - - -
16 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
16 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth - - -
90 Windsor Road CF64 1JL - 21/07/2022 -
15 Petrel Close - - -
11 Knowbury Avenue CF64 5RX - 21/07/2022 -
15 Petrel Close CF64 5FT - 21/07/2022 -
https://iherb-promo-code.com/ - - -
5 Shearwater Close Penarth CF64 5FX - 21/07/2022 -
61 Cosmeston Drive penarth Cf645fa - 21/07/2022 -
23 Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
10 Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth - - -
27 Whitcliffe Drive Penarth Cf645ry - 21/07/2022 -
24 Knowbury Avenue Penarth CF64 5RX - 21/07/2022 -
4 Eckley road, Sully Penarth CF64 5HT - 21/07/2022 -
105 Westbourne Road - - -
107 PLYMOUTH ROAD CF64 5DF - 21/07/2022 -
1 Clos Y Cadno Penarth CF64 2UF - 21/07/2022 -
40 COSMESTON DRIVE CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
28 Cosmeston Drive CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
6 Osprey Close CF64 5FD - 21/07/2022 -
- - 21/07/2022 -
13 Redlands Rd Penarth CF64 2WD - 21/07/2022 -
8 Upper Cosmeston Farm Penarth CF64 5UB - 21/07/2022 -
27 Plymouth Rd Penarth Cf64 3da - 21/07/2022 -
61 Oxford Road London W5 3SR - 21/07/2022 -
8 Lower Cwrt-y-Vil Road CF64 3HQ - 21/07/2022 -
3 Shearwater Close Penarth CF64 5FX - 21/07/2022 -
119 Plymouth Rd Penarth - - -
133 Plymouth Rd, Penarth CF64 5DG - 21/07/2022 -
36 Cosmeston Drive CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
2 Hastings Close PENARTH - - -
20 st garmon road Penarth Vale of glamorgan CF643FY - 21/07/2022 -
24 Cae Syr Dafydd Cardiff - - -
112 Westbourne Road Penarth CF64 3HH - 21/07/2022 -
1 Raven Way Penarth CF64 5FH - 21/07/2022 -
16 Norris Close Cf64 2qw - 21/07/2022 -
16 Norris close - - -
30 Althorp Drive Penarth Cf645 FF - 21/07/2022 -
47, Brockhill Way, Penarth CF64 5QD - 21/07/2022 -
71 Lavernock Road, Penarth, CF64 3NY - - -
32 Cosmeston Drive Lavernock CF64 5FA - 21/07/2022 -
12 Laburnum Close Barry CF62 9DZ 26/08/2022 - -
65 Cosmestion Drive Penarth CF64 5FA - - -
1 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
1 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
1 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
1 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
1 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
1 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
10 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
11 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
11 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
11 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
11 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
11 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
12 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
12 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
12 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
12 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
12 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
12 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
12 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
13 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
13 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
13 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
13 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
13 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
14 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
15 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
15 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
15 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
15 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
15 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
16 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
16 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
16 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
16 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
16 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
17 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
17 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
17 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
18 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
18 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
18 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
19 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
19 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
19 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
2 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
20 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
20 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
20 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
21 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
21 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
21 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
21 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
22 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
22 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
23 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
23 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
24 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
24 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
25 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
26 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
26 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
27 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
28 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
28 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
3 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
3 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
30 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
31 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
32 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
32 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
33 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
34 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
34 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
35 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
36 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
36 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
37 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
4 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
4 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
4 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
4 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
40 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
41 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
42 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
44 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
46 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
48 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
5 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
5 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
50 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
51 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
52 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
54 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
56 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
58 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 FALCON GROVE PENARTH CF64 5FB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
6 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
6 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
60 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
7 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
7 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
7 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
7 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
7 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
7 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 BITTERN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FS 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
8 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
8 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
8 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 - 13/11/2020
9 FULMAR CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FE 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
9 OSPREY CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FD 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
9 PETREL CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FT 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
9 RAVEN WAY PENARTH CF64 5FH 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
9 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
9 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
ANNEXE 42 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
BARTLEY HOUSE 11A COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
BESYLYS 38 COSMESTON DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5FA 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
BRYN TEG 30 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
HOLLY TREE HOUSE 1 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
MANDERLEY 29 WHITCLIFFE DRIVE PENARTH CF64 5RY 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
OAK HOUSE 17 UPPER COSMESTON FARM PENARTH CF64 5UB 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
TEGFRYN 2 SHEARWATER CLOSE PENARTH CF64 5FX 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
LOWER COSMESTON FARM LAVERNOCK ROAD PENARTH CF64 5UP 23/10/2020 21/07/2022 13/11/2020
84, Cedar Way, Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 3PW - 21/07/2022 -
1 Bittern Way Penarth CF645FS - - -
1 Bitten Way CF64 5FS - - -
  File name Created date
Planning Submission
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Article 8 Permission with Environmental Statement 11/11/2020
2 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 23/10/2020
3 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 30/10/2020
4 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 23/10/2020
5 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 30/10/2020
6 - Article 8 Permission with Environmental Statement 11/11/2020
7 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 28/07/2022
8 - Article 8 Permission with Environmental Statement 28/07/2022
9 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 28/07/2022
10 - Article 8 Permission with Environmental Statement 28/07/2022
Number Description
1 1974/00869/OUT, Address: Land at Lower Penarth, (Former Cement Works Site) Now Lavernock Park, Proposal: Outline Application for Residential Development, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: 1975-05-13 00:00:00+01;
2 1976/00754/FUL, Address: Land at Lower Penarth, Proposal: Residential Development of Detached Dwellings, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: 1976-07-27 00:00:00+01;
3 1976/00933/REG4, Address: Os Parcel 2800 and Part OS Parcel 1400, Lavernock, Proposal: Domestic Refuse Disposal, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: 1977-06-27 00:00:00+01;
4 1978/01385/OUT, Address: Former Penarth Cement Works and part of OS Parcel 4649 (Now Lavernock Park), Proposal: Residential Development, Decision: NULL,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: NULL;
5 1980/01247/RES, Address: Lavernock Park, Lavernock Road, Penarth, Proposal: Erection of Private Residential Units together with their garages, associated roads and sewers, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: NULL,Decision Date: 1980-07-29 00:00:00+01;
6 1981/00618/OUT, Address: Lavernock Park, Lavernock Road, Penarth, Proposal: Renewal of outline planning permission for residential development, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1981-07-28 00:00:00+01;
7 1981/01651/FUL, Address: Land off Whitcliffe Drive, Penarth, Proposal: Substitution of house types and amended, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1981-10-29 00:00:00+00;
8 1981/02112/RES, Address: Lavernock Park, Lavernock Road, Penarth, Proposal: Erection of private residential units together with their garages, roads and associated sewers, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1982-03-04 00:00:00+00;
9 1983/00332/FUL, Address: Off Whitcliffe Drive, Lower Penarth, Proposal: Substitution of house types and amended details, plot 15 - 23, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP,Decision Date: 1983-06-28 00:00:00+01;
10 1993/00277/FUL, Address: Lower Cosmeston Farm, Lavernock Road, Penarth, Proposal: Proposed taking down and rebuilding of front and side gable walls using facing brickwork in lieu of stonework up to first floor level and also to high level gable, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: YL,Decision Date: 1993-06-04 00:00:00+01;
You are here:  
Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111