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Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2017/00112/FUL

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
8, Cliff Parade, Penarth
Replacement dwelling and garage
Community Council
Penarth Town Council
Application Type
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Mr & Ms Chris & Carole Hinde & Jones
Agents Name
Loyn + Co Architects,
Applicant Address
8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. CF64 5BP
Agent Address
21, Victoria Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. CF64 3EG
Other Details
Mrs. Y. J. Prichard
Phone No
01446 704650
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
AAA01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
AM04 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents:- - Existing Location Plan, Drg. No. 1616/L01 received 21 February 2017; - Existing Plans, Drg. Nos. 1616/E101 to E105, E200, and E201, received 7 February 2017; - Proposed Ground Floor, Drg. No....
MAT02 Prior to their use in the construction of the development hereby approved, a schedule of the proposed materials to be used, including samples, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the appr...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted Tree Survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by Treescene, dated 24 April 2017, this permission implies no consent to remove the street trees along Cliff Parade, and the proposed works shall take account of the National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) guidelin...
II021 The work involves the creation of a new access and the closing-up of an existing access to the highway. The applicant must ensure that all works to form the new crossover, and reinstate the pavement at the existing crossover, comply with the appropriate standards of the Council as Highway Authority....
NONS To protect the amenities of occupiers of other premises in the vicinity attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in relation to the control of noise from demolition and construction activities. Further to this the applicant is advised that no noise audi...
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Ecology Officer 28/02/2017 Consult -
Ecology Officer 26/04/2017 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 28/02/2017 Consult -
Highway Development, 26/04/2017 Re-consult -
Penarth Town Council 28/02/2017 Consult -
Penarth Town Council 01/06/2017 Decision -
Penarth Town Council 26/04/2017 Re-consult -
PlymouthWard1 OBSOLETE 28/02/2017 Consult -
PlymouthWard2 OBSOLETE 28/02/2017 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 28/02/2017 Consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
39 Cornerswell Rd Cf642ux - - -
4 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
CLIFF LEA, 3 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
PENARTH HOUSE, 7 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
RED ROOFS, 1 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
SEA CREST, 2 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
SEA ROADS, 5 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
THORNWOOD, 6 CLIFF PARADE, PENARTH, CF64 5BP 28/02/2017 26/04/2017 21/03/2017
  File name Created date
Planning Submission
Approved / Refused Documents
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Dev that might affect the setting of a Listed Building 09/03/2017
2 - Dev that might affect the setting of a Listed Building 24/03/2017
Number Description
1 Planning History: 2007/00163/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: Repositioning of existing garage approved under prior planning permission, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: MPH;
2 Planning History: 2015/00480/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: Take down 1 large house and detached garage. Build 2 new art deco style houses and detached garage, Decision: Withdrawn,Case Officer: SR2;
3 Planning History: 2002/01035/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: Two storey dwelling, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: SW;
4 Planning History: 1979/02331/OUT, Address: , Proposal: , Decision: NULL,Case Officer: ;
5 Planning History: 1981/00010/OUT, Address: Land adjacent to Pengarth, 6, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: One dwelling, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: AP;
6 Planning History: 2002/00059/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: New dwelling, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: SW;
7 Planning History: 1979/00602/OUT, Address: , Proposal: , Decision: NULL,Case Officer: ;
8 Planning History: 2004/01959/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: Conservatory, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: FMJ;
9 Planning History: 1986/00824/FUL, Address: 8, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Proposal: Dwellinghouse, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP;
11 Area Team: North Area Team;
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