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Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2017/00075/TCA

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
The Railway Hotel, Plymouth Road, Penarth
Felling of a Lawson Cypress and Sycamore adjacent to the entrance to the Railway Hotel outside seating area
Community Council
Penarth Town Council
Application Type
Work to trees in a Conservation Area
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Stonegate Pub Company Ltd
Agents Name
Mr. Paul Semple
Applicant Address
PO Box 985, Porter Tun House, 500, Capability Green, Luton, LU1 3LS
Agent Address
Bidwells, Seacourt Tower, West Way, Oxford, OX2 0JJ
Other Details
Mr. Shafqut Zahoor
Phone No
01446 704608
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
II033 Bats must not be disturbed or destroyed during tree work. A full visual inspection of the trees to be worked on must be carried out prior to intended work to check for the presence of bats. Advice on bats and trees may be obtained from the Natural Resources Wales (Countryside Council for Wales as ...
NS You are requested to consider planting suitable replacement tree(s), given the contribution trees make to the Conservation Area and their importance to wildlife.

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  File name Created date
Planning Documents

No Public Notices found for this Application

Number Description
1 Planning History: 1976/01611/FUL, Address: , Proposal: , Decision: NULL,Case Officer: ;
2 Planning History: 1986/01139/FUL, Address: The Railway Hotel, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Alterations and extensions to provide new skittle alley, pool room, main entrance porch and improved kitchen and lavatories, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AF;
3 Planning History: 1987/00287/ADV, Address: The Railway Hotel, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Pub Signs, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AF;
4 Planning History: 1989/00791/FUL, Address: Land adjacent to Railway Pub, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Doctors surgery, 5 retail/office units & associated car parking, Decision: Refused,Case Officer: AP;
5 Planning History: 1989/01238/FUL, Address: Land adjacent to Railway Pub, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Doctors Surgery, 4 no. retail/office units plus associated car parking, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AP;
6 Planning History: 1990/01072/FUL, Address: The Railway Public House, Off Plymouth Road, Penarth - Rear of, Proposal: Proposed storage facility building, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AF;
7 Planning History: 1992/00085/FUL, Address: Charnwood House, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Provision of a new staircase and window opening, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: AF;
8 Planning History: 1993/00950/ADV, Address: The Railway Hotel, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Freestanding post sign, projecting pictorial sign & amenity boards, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: SG;
9 Planning History: 1997/01277/TCA, Address: The Railway Hotel, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Remove 4 ash trees and to crown reduce 1 ash tree by 30%, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: JDM;
10 Planning History: 2003/00160/FUL, Address: Land adjacent Drake House, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Proposal: Contruction of two storey extension to existing offices, and creation of additional parking area, Decision: Approved,Case Officer: ML;
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