Welcome to the
Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2015/00249/FUL

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
Land to the East of St. Nicholas
Development of 100 houses and associated open space vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping and infrastructure, including the demolition of Emmaville
Community Council
St. Nicholas & Bonvilston Community Council
Application Type
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Redrow Homes (south Wales) Ltd
Agents Name
Mr Andrew Muir
Applicant Address
C/o Agent
Agent Address
Boyer Planning
Other Details
Mr. Steven Rennie
Phone No
01446 704653
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
AAA01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
NS The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: 1537-05 Revision C (Street Elevations), 2.1.3A and 2.1.3 (Semi) (One bed flat); 4.2.2 and 4.2.2 A (Two bedroom House); 5.3.3A Three bed house; The Amberley Revision A; Single Garage Type 1; Double Gar...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted drawings, prior to 28th February 2018, full engineering details (including structural calculations) of the site access, proposed internal roads, turning areas, footways/cycleway, including vision splays, street lighting, highway drainage, gradient details, on-site parki...
NS No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into beneficial use until such time as the access, internal roads, parking areas, footways and turning areas as applicable to the plot(s) being occupied, have been laid out in full accordance with the details shown on plan 1537-01-FUL Revis...
NS Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, an archaeologist (CIFA Member) from Cotswold Archaeology, shall be present during the undertaking of any ground disturbing works in the development area, so that an archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeologica...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted details and prior to the construction of the road to the front of Plot 97, details at a suitable scale to show the footpath/cycle link at the end of the shared drive to the front of Plot 97 will link to the adjacent site to the east shall be submitted to and approved in...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted information and plans, details of the area of open space, annotated as 'Potential LAP' on submitted plan 1537-01-FUL Revision L, to be provided at a suitable scale, to include details of surfacing and enclosures, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Loca...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of any drainage works on site, full details of a scheme for foul and surface water drainage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme shall be fully implemented in accordance ...
NS Prior to 28th February 2018, details of a timetable for the implementation of off-site highways works (as required by Condition 3) shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The off-site highway works shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the agreed time...
NSA All areas shown to provide visibility splays (at junctions and forward visibility on bends) indicatively illustrated with the access arrangement plan, reference 141341-08 Rev C and within the Planning Layout Plan, reference 1537-01-Full Rev L, shall fall within land identified for highway purposes a...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted details, all means of enclosure associated with the development hereby approved shall be in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development (other than the demolition and clearanc...
NS A scheme providing for the fencing of the trees to be retained, based on the submitted Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Treescene, July 2016), and showing details of any excavations, site works, trenches, channels, pipes, services and areas of deposit of soil or waste or areas for storage shall be ...
NS A landscaping scheme, to include the proposed new hedgerow shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the housing development hereby approved, which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land and details of any to be retained. Th...
AA090 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of f...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted details and prior to the commencement of any works within the site or associated with new access (other than the demolition and clearance of Emmaville and associated below ground works of plot 1), a Construction Traffic Management Plan setting out the hours of delivery,...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted information, no development (other than the demolition and site clearance within Emmaville and below ground works of Plot 1, which shall be demolished in accordance with the submitted 'Job Method Statement' - Cuddy Group) shall take place until there has been submitted ...
NSA No construction work associated with the development hereby approved shall take place on the site on any Sunday or Bank Holiday or on any other day except between the following hours: 0800 – 1800 Mon – Fri 0800-1300 Saturday Not at all on Sundays and bank holidays Unless such work – (a)is...
MAT01 Prior to their use in the construction of the development hereby approved, a schedule and samples of the proposed materials to be used shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved det...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of development (other than the demolition and clearance of Emmaville and associated below ground works for Plot 1) details of the finished levels of the site and housing development hereby approved, in relation to existing ground level...
NS The development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations for mitigation and enhancements within the submitted 'Ecological Appraisal', produced by Ecology Solutions Ltd (November 2014), unless the Local Planning Authority agrees in writing to any variation. Reason: To safegua...
NS Notwithstanding the submitted information, prior to the commencement of development (other than the demolition and site clearance within Emmaville and below ground works for Plot 1), a Biodiversity Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which ...
NS Prior to the first beneficial occupation of dwelling at Plot 1 hereby approved, details of noise mitigation protecting future occupants from noise from the A48 highway, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved noise mitigation measures shall be impl...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted plans, the first floor window in the rear elevation of Plot 1, the first floor window facing the neighbouring property "Kingfauns" in Plot 100 and the first floor window facing the neighbouring property "4 Ger Y Llan" in Plot 52 shall be glazed using obscure glass to a ...
II021 Where the work involves the creation of, or alteration to, an access to a highway the applicant must ensure that all works comply with the appropriate standards of the Council as Highway Authority. For details of the relevant standards contact the Visible Services Division, The Vale of Glamorgan Co...
II027 This development is on adopted highway and therefore a Highway Extinguishment under the Highways Act 1980 will be required before work can commence. For further details please contact the Highways Department, The Vale of Glamorgan Council, The Alps, Wenvoe, Cardiff; CF5 6AA. Telephone No. 02920 673...
II014 Please note that a legal agreement/planning obligation has been entered into in respect of the site referred to in this planning consent. Should you require clarification of any particular aspect of the legal agreement/planning obligation please do not hesitate to contact the Local Planning Authori...
II005 This consent does not convey any authorisation that may be required to gain access onto land not within your ownership or control.
II029 Surface water run-off from the proposed development must not connect either directly or indirectly (i.e. via any existing or proposed private drainage system) to the public foul sewer under any circumstances.
II004 You will note that a condition has been attached to this consent and refers to an archaeologist being afforded the opportunity to carry out a watching brief during the course of developments. It would be advisable to contact the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust, at Heathfield House, Heathfield,...
II037 Where any species listed under Schedules 2 or 5 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 is present on the site, or other identified area, in respect of which this permission is hereby granted, no works of site clearance, demolition or construction shall take place unless a licen...
II013 You are advised that there are species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 within the site and thus account must be taken of protecting their habitats in any detailed plans. For specific advice it would be advisable to contact: The Natural Resources Wales, Ty Cambria, 29 Newport ...
II001 Where the proposal requires both Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent or Conservation Area Consent work must not be commenced until both consents have been obtained.
II017 Please note that as the tree(s) referred to in this application are not situated on land in your ownership you are strongly advised to contact the owner in order to obtain their permission as necessary prior to carrying out the works hereby approved.
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Building Control Section 13/03/2015 Consult -
Building Control Section 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Building Control Section 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Building Control Section 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Councils Drainage Section 13/03/2015 Consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 13/03/2015 Consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Ecology Officer 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Ecology Officer 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Ecology Officer 13/03/2015 Consult -
Ecology Officer 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Education Section 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Education Section 13/03/2015 Consult -
Education Section 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Education Section 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Head of Adult Services 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Head of Adult Services 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Head of Adult Services 13/03/2015 Consult -
Head of Adult Services 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 13/03/2015 Consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Heneb, The Trust for Welsh Archaelogy (GGAT) 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Heritage (Planning), 13/03/2015 Consult -
Heritage (Planning), 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Highway Development, 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Highway Development, 13/03/2015 Consult -
Highway Development, 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Highway Development, 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 13/03/2015 Consult -
Housing Strategy (Affordable Housing) 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Legal Services 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Legal Services 13/03/2015 Consult -
Legal Services 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Legal Services 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 13/03/2015 Consult -
Natural Resources Wales, 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
OBSOLETE - Highways and Engineering 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
OBSOLETE - Highways and Engineering 13/03/2015 Consult -
OBSOLETE - Highways and Engineering 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
OBSOLETECrime Prevention Design Advisor 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
OBSOLETECrime Prevention Design Advisor 13/03/2015 Consult -
OBSOLETECrime Prevention Design Advisor 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
OBSOLETECrime Prevention Design Advisor 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Planning - Tree Officer OBSOLETE 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Planning - Tree Officer OBSOLETE 13/03/2015 Consult -
Planning - Tree Officer OBSOLETE 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 13/03/2015 Consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 13/03/2015 Consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 07/04/2016 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 13/03/2015 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 13/03/2015 Consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
St. Nicholas and Bonvilston CC 13/12/2016 Decision -
Wenvoe Ward 1 OBSOLETE 11/03/2016 Re-consult -
Wenvoe Ward 1 OBSOLETE 12/09/2016 Re-consult -
Wenvoe Ward 1 OBSOLETE 13/03/2015 Consult -
Wenvoe Ward 1 OBSOLETE 27/10/2015 Re-consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
Agent - - -
Agent - - -
6, Button Ride, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6ST - 12/09/2016 -
Agent - - -
7 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
3 Button Ride St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
Orchard Cottage St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
Trehill Cowbridge Road St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
Pleasant Rise Cowbridge Road St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
2, Manor Cottages, St. Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SL - 12/09/2016 -
LPC Town & Country Planning Devt Trutt Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8SQ - 12/09/2016 -
Llanyrfon, Well Lane, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamrogan - 12/09/2016 -
Three Tuns Cowbridge Road St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan - 12/09/2016 -
Trehill House St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
2, Mawsons Mead, St. Nicholas. CF5 6XS - 12/09/2016 -
Jalna Old Rectory Drive St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
THE CROFT COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
6 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
2 Broadway Green St. Nicholas. CF5 6SR - 12/09/2016 -
11, Ger Y Llan, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamrogan CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
11 Ger-y-llan St. Nicholas. CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
14 Dyffryn Close St NIcholas - 12/09/2016 -
Assembly Member for South Wales Central - - -
Tregwynt Church Lane St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
The Old House St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
The Willows, 2, Mawsons Mead, St. Nicholas. CF5 6XS - 12/09/2016 -
Nyewood 1 Smith Row St Nicholas CF5 6SN - 12/09/2016 -
9 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
New Barn St Nicholas CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
Church Rise The Green St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
1, Manor Cottages, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SL - 12/09/2016 -
Charnwood St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
3, Ger y Llan, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
Fernley St Nicholas CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
HAFOD COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
Broadway St Nicholas CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
THREE TUNS COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
The Orchard St Nicholas CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
2 Meyrick Cottages St Nicholas CF5 5SQ - 12/09/2016 -
The Orchard St Nicholas CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
Gates End House St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
2, Button Ride, St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan CF56ST - - -
Knozzsberry Old Rectory Drive St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SG 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
7 Ger Y Llan CF56SY - 12/09/2016 -
7 Ger Y Llan, St Nicholas CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
three tuns cow bridge road st nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse St. Nicholas. Cardiff. CF56SG - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse St. Nicholas, Cardiff. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse, St. Nicholas Cardiff. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse St. Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Village Farmhouse St. Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SG - - -
Llanyfron Well LAne St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
2 Button Ride St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF56ST - - -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas CF56SH - - -
2, Button RIde, St Nicholas CF56ST - - -
Hafod Cowbridge Road St Nicholas Nr Cardiff CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
4 Merrick Cottages St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SQ - - -
4 Broadway Green St Nicholas CF56SR - 12/09/2016 -
Emmaville Cowbridge Rd St Nicholas CF5 6SH - - -
BEECH HOUSE ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SG 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
2 broadway green st nicholas cf56sr cf56sr - 12/09/2016 -
2 broadway green st nicholas cf56sr - - -
Tuar Gaer St Nicholas CF5 6SG - - -
11 Ger-y-llan St Nicholas CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
11 Ger-y-llan St Nicholas CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
Pheasant Rise, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas, Cardiff CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
Caia Farm St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Pheasant Rise Cowbridge Road St Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SH - - -
Holly House Duffryn Lane St Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6TA - 12/09/2016 -
3 Duffryn Close St Nicholas CF5 6SS - 12/09/2016 -
Trehill Farmhouse St Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
1 Merrick Cottages St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF56SQ - 12/09/2016 -
1 Merrick Cottages St Nicholas CF 5 6SQ - - -
4 Church Row, CF5 6SP - 12/09/2016 -
4 Church Row St. Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SP - - -
Fernley St. Nicholas. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
2 Meyrick Cottage St. Nicholas. CF5 6SQ - 12/09/2016 -
1 Broadway Green St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SR - - -
The Sycamore Cowbridge Road CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
4 Merrick Cottages St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6SQ - - -
Caia Farm St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
three tuns cowbridge road st nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
Pound Cottage St Nicholas CF5 6TA - - -
Milford Cowbridge Road St Nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
3 Merrick cottages St Nicholas Cf56sq - 12/09/2016 -
CEDAR PARC COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
4 Ger y Llan, St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan CF56SY - 12/09/2016 -
Public Rights of Way Section, Vale of Glamorgan Council CF63 4RT - - -
Tuar Gaer St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
7 Ger Y Llan CF56SY - 12/09/2016 -
7 Ger Y Llan, St Nicholas CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
Trehill Farmhouse St Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
Old School House St. Nicholas. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Old School House St Nicholas Cardiff CF5 5SG - 12/09/2016 -
Holly House Duffryn Lane St Nicholas Vale of Glamorgan cf5 6ta - 12/09/2016 -
2 broadway green, st nicholas cf5 6sr - 12/09/2016 -
2 broadway green st nicholas cf5 6sr - - -
5 Button Ride St Nicholas CF5 6ST - - -
3 Ger Y Llan St Nicholas CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road St Nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan CF56SH - 12/09/2016 -
The Croft, Cowbridge Road, St Nicholas CF56SH - - -
2 Broadway Green St. Nicholas. CF5 6SR - 12/09/2016 -
E- Mail - - -
2, Mawsons Mead, St. Nicholas. CF5 6XS - 12/09/2016 -
14 Ger y Llan St. Nicholas CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
5, Duffryn Close, St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SS - 12/09/2016 -
Kingfisher Hall St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
11, Ger-y-llan, St Nicholas, CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
11 Ger y Llan St. Nicholas Cardiff CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
Caia Farm St. Nicholas. Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
Old Hedges Trehill St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
Southways St Nicholas CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
1, Trehill Cottage, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. Cf5 6TX - 12/09/2016 -
5 Ger-y-llan St. Nicholas. CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
5, Ger-y-llan, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
1, Broadway Green, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SR - 12/09/2016 -
Trehill Farmhouse St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
Ty Gof St. Nicholas. CF5 6SH - 12/09/2016 -
Llaneinydd St. Nicholas. CF5 6SG - 12/09/2016 -
1, Merrick Cottages, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SQ - 12/09/2016 -
HIGHDENE COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
11 Ger-y-Llan St. Nicholas. CF5 6SY - 12/09/2016 -
2 Trehill Cottages St Nicholas CF5 6TX - 12/09/2016 -
Twyn Bach St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
Westwinds Old Rectory Drive St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
GREEN MEADOW 10 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
EASTLEA COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
2 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
LLAN-YR-AFON ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SG 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
THE GARTH COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
MILFORD COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
BENACRE COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
LOS ANDES COWBRIDGE ROAD ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SH 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
SWYN FRO 4 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
THE RECTORY 8 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
1 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
SOUTHWAYS ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SG 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
Cae Ffynnon, 12, Ger Y Llan, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
By E-Mail - - -
By E-Mail - - -
Tarquin St Nicholas CF5 6SJ - 12/09/2016 -
5 GER Y LLAN ST NICHOLAS CARDIFF CF5 6SY 13/03/2015 12/09/2016 03/04/2015
Laburnam House Dyffryn Lane St Nicholas - 12/09/2016 -
  File name Created date
Planning Submission
Approved / Refused Documents
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 23/12/2015
2 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 23/03/2015
3 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 24/03/2016
4 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 17/12/2015
5 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 19/03/2015
6 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 12/04/2016
7 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 23/12/2015
8 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 27/03/2015
9 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 24/03/2016
10 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 17/12/2015
Number Description
1 Tree Preservation Order
2 Special Landscape Area
3 Civil Aviation Authority - All Applications over 45m
4 Settlement
5 North Area Team
6 Surface Water Intermediate
7 Surface Water Less
8 Estates
9 2015/00013/pre : Land to the East of St. Nicholas - Proposed residential development and associated highway and ancillary works - Pre-Application Response (case officer - SR2) 2013/01202/SC1 : Land to the East of St. Nicholas - Residential development - Environmental Impact Assessment (Screening) - Not Required 15/01/2014 (case officer - SR2) 1991/00120/OUT : Part OS 2545 off Ger y Llan, St. Nicholas - Construction of six executive houses, including garages and roadworks - Refused 22/05/1991 (case officer - AP) 1988/01152/OUT : O.S. 2545, off Ger-y-Llan, St. Nicholas - Construction of 10 individually designed executive houses with garages and road works - Refused 10/01/1989 (case officer - CF)
You are here:  
Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111