Welcome to the
Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2015/00031/OUT

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
David Davies Road, Woodham Road, Barry
Outline application for a wood fired renewable energy plant
Community Council
Barry Town Council
Application Type
Outline planning application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Sunrise Renewables (Barry) Ltd,
Agents Name
Sunrise Renewables (Barry) Ltd,
Applicant Address
Gilbert Wakefield House, Bewsey Street, Warrington WA2 7JQ
Agent Address
Gilbert Wakefield House, Bewsey Street, Warrington WA2 7JQ
Other Details
Mr. Morgan P. Howell
Phone No
01446 704743
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
AAA05 Approval of the landscaping of the development (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any development is commenced. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
AAA06 Application for approval of the reserved matters hereinbefore referred to must be made not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
AAA08 Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1 above shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority and shall be carried out as approved. Reason: The application was made for outline planning permission and to comply with the requirements of Section 92 ...
AAA07 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates: (a) The expiration of five years from the date of this permission. (b) The expiration of two years from the date of the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the...
AM03 This consent shall relate to the plans registered on 5 February 2015 other than where amended by plans reference E1627- 2101 Rev A, E1627- 2102 Rev A, E1627- 2103 Rev A, E1627- 2104 Rev A, E1627- 2105 Rev A, dated 16 April 2015 and E1627- 2116 Rev B, E1627- 2117 Rev B, E1627- 2118 Rev B, E1627- 2119...
NSA No development shall take place until details of a scheme for the management of waste emanating from the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The disposal of waste shall be carried in accordance with the approved scheme. Reason: In order to ensure...
NSA No development shall take place until full details, inc samples of the external facing materials to be used in the development, to include colour of the building and stack and shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter be carrie...
NSA No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a contaminated land assessment and associated remedial strategy have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall contain the following elements and follow the guidance contained in ‘Contamina...
NSA Should contamination not previously identified be found through the course of development it must be reported immediately in writing to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation shall be carried out to assess the nature and extent of any contamination and the contamination shall be dealt wi...
AA079 All means of enclosure associated with the development hereby approved shall be in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development, and the means of enclosure shall be implemented in accordance with the approv...
NSA Prior to the facility being brought into beneficial use, details of a scheme to control dust within the site and locality shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The operation of the plant shall thereafter be in accordance with the approved details unless othe...
NSA Prior to their construction / installation / use on site, details of all external lighting of the building and site, to include specification, means of operation (whether permanent or sensor/security lights, and hours of operation), and lux plots to prevent / minimise light spillage outside of the s...
NSA The building hereby permitted shall not be occupied until surface water drainage works have been implemented in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Before these details are submitted an assessment shall be carried out of the...
NSA The building hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the sustainable drainage scheme for the site has been completed in accordance with the submitted details. The sustainable drainage scheme shall be managed and maintained thereafter in accordance with the agreed management and maintenance ...
AA090 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of f...
NSA The access and visibility splays (4.5m x 48m ) to the site are approved in accordance with the amended site layout plan draw ref E1627-2104 Rev A received on 16 April 2015 and shall be constructed from a bound material for a minimum distance of 20.0m from the carriageway boundary. The development sh...
NSA Notwithstanding the approved access and site layout plan, an amended plan with full details of the means of enclosure to the front boundary with Woodham Road, and forecourt area, shall be submitted to satisfy the following highway requirements: - i) The boundary fence shall be set back a minimum ...
AA067 The proposed energy recovery plant shall not be brought into beneficial use until the approved access has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and the access shall thereafter be so retained to serve the development hereby approved. Reason: In the interest of highway safety an...
AA069 No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into beneficial use until such time as the parking areas, including all associated access and turning areas, have been laid out in full accordance with the details to be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority and the parking...
NSA Details of secure parking on site for cycles shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme of cycle parking shall be fully implemented on site prior to the first beneficial occupation of the development hereby approved and shall thereafter be s...
NSA A noise survey post installation at the nearest residential premises, 57 Dock View Road, Cory Way and Estrella House, Cei Dafydd, shall be undertaken when the plant is initially commissioned and again after six months. The noise survey is to be provided in the same format as in the developer's subm...
ns The total tonnage of wood waste treated at the plant hereby approved shall not exceed 72,000 dry tonnes per annum, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority beforehand, and records of the amount of fuel processed shall be retained and made available to the Local Planning A...
ns The plant hereby permitted shall only process waste wood. Reason: In the interests of local amenity, given that the technical equipment is capable of processing alternative fuels, the impact of which has not been considered through the environmental submission accompanying this application, an...
ns Deliveries to the site, and all other external operations, shall be restricted to the following hours: - Monday to Saturday : 07:00 - 19:00; and Sunday /Bank/Public holidays 08:00 - 16:00. Reason: In the interests of local residential amenity, and to ensure compliance with Policies WAST2, EMP...
ns The internal plant noise shall be restricted to a maximum of 85 dBA to include a 5 dBa tonal penalty (with every opportunity to reduce this level explored and demonstrated prior to final construction) and a noise survey, post installation, shall be undertaken when the plant is initially commission...
ns There shall be no open storage of materials of any kind outside any approved buildings on the site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of local visual amenity, and to ensure compliance with the terms of Policy ENV27 of the Unitary Develo...
ns Foul water and surface water discharges shall be drained separately from the site, with no surface water or land drainage run-off allowed to connect (either directly or indirectly) into the public sewerage system. Reason: To protect the integrity, and prevent hydraulic overloading, of the Publ...
CON5 No Development shall take place until there has been submitted to, approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). The CEMP shall include details of how noise, lighting, dust and other airborne pollutants, vibration, smoke, and odour from con...
ns Prior to the first beneficial use of the development hereby approved, a Green Travel Plan (which will include details relating to proposals for minimising the use of staff car journeys to and from the site) and measure to control the plan along with agreed haul routes for the delivery of waste wood ...
NSA The roller shutter doors in the feedstock building shall be kept closed at all times other than when deliveries are being received. Reason To protect residential amenity, complying with the requirements of ENV27 and COMM 8 of the Adopted UDP 1996-2011
NSA Within nine months of the energy plant hereby approved being fully operational, the applicant shall carry out a further Air Quality Assessment through monitoring at the nearest residential property locations, 57 Dock View Road, Cory Way and Estrella House, Cei Dafydd . The new assessment should be c...
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Associated British Ports, 05/03/2015 Consult -
Barry Town Council 05/08/2015 Decision -
Barry Town Council 08/12/2021 Information -
Barry Town Council 16/02/2015 Consult -
Baruc Ward 1 09/12/2021 Information -
Baruc Ward 2 09/12/2021 Information -
Buttrills Ward1 09/12/2021 Information -
ButtrillsWard2 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Cadoc Ward 2 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Cadoc Ward 3 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Cadoc Ward1 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Cardiff Airport (Safeguarding) 16/02/2015 Consult -
CastlelandWard2 09/12/2021 Information -
CastlelandWrd1 09/12/2021 Information -
CastlelandWrd1 16/02/2015 Consult -
CastlelandWrd2 OBSOLETE 16/02/2015 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 16/02/2015 Consult -
Court Ward 1 09/12/2021 Information -
Court Ward2 09/12/2021 Information -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 16/02/2015 Consult -
Dyfan Ward 1 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Dyfan Ward2 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Ecology Officer 16/02/2015 Consult -
Finance, ICT and Estates, Energy Manager 16/02/2015 Consult -
GibbonsdownWd2 09/12/2021 Information -
GibbonsdownWrd1 09/12/2021 Information -
Health and Safety Executive (HAZ apps only) 05/03/2015 Consult -
Highway Development, 16/02/2015 Consult -
Illtyd Ward1 09/12/2021 Information -
Illtyd Ward2 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Illtyd Ward3 OBSOLETE 09/12/2021 Information -
Natural Resources Wales, 16/02/2015 Consult -
OBSOLETE - Highways and Engineering 16/02/2015 Consult -
Policy Section (Planning), 16/02/2015 Consult -
Public Health Wales, 26/02/2015 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 16/02/2015 Consult -
Waste Management 16/02/2015 Consult -
Waste Management OBSOLETE 16/02/2015 Consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
Site visit letter to agent - 08/12/2021 -
23 Winston Road Barry CF62 9SU - 08/12/2021 -
Loft 3 Seamen's Mission 57 Dock View Road Barry CF63 4LQ - 08/12/2021 -
11 Cyril Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3NS 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
11 CYRIL STREET, BARRY, CF63 3NS. - 08/12/2021 -
By E- Mail - 08/12/2021 -
Almuth Ernsting, 14, Organs Hill, Edinburgh, EH13 9JR - 08/12/2021 -
by email - 09/12/2021 -
86, Galfrid Road, Bilton. HU11 4HG - 08/12/2021 -
By email - 08/12/2021 -
68 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
99 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
22, Charlotte Place, Barry, CF63 3QE - 08/12/2021 -
BY EMail - 09/12/2021 -
45, Gelligaled Road, Ystrad, Rhonnda, CF41 7RQ - 08/12/2021 -
59 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
By email - 08/12/2021 -
By email - 09/12/2021 -
Loft 2 57 Dock View Road Barry CF63 4LQ - 08/12/2021 -
19 Burlington street CF63 3NW - 08/12/2021 -
60 jewel street barry cf633nr - 08/12/2021 -
73 Kingsland Crescent, CF63 4JS - 08/12/2021 -
66 GEORGE STREET CF63 4NN - 08/12/2021 -
27 Jewel Street,Barry CF63 3NQ - 08/12/2021 -
27 canon street CF62 7RH - 08/12/2021 -
46 Phyllis Street Barry CF62 5UT - 08/12/2021 -
4 Dyfrig Street CF62 5TW - 08/12/2021 -
96 Dock View Road Barry cf633qq - 08/12/2021 -
74 Castleland Street Barry CF63 4LP - 08/12/2021 -
This will put barry as a dump yard think of the kids health and the older people no 1 will let this go ahead it is in the rong place put it some were people don't live cf63 - 08/12/2021 -
47 Kingsland Crescent, Barry CF63 4JR - 08/12/2021 -
57 Dock View Road CF63 4LQ - 08/12/2021 -
81 dock view road cf633qq - 08/12/2021 -
11 Charlotte Place CF63 3QE - - -
Associated British Ports Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY - 08/12/2021 -
16 Woodham Road BARRY CF63 4JE - 08/12/2021 -
Barry Town Council 7, Gladstone Road Barry CF62 8NA - 08/12/2021 -
49, Dock View Road, Barry CF63 4LQ - 08/12/2021 -
21 merthyr st cf63 4la - 08/12/2021 -
21 Clos Mancheldowne CF62 5AB - 08/12/2021 -
9 Woodham Road BARRY CF63 4JE - 08/12/2021 -
102 Dock View Road CF63 3QQ - 08/12/2021 -
43 Clos Mancheldowne Barry CF62 5AB - 08/12/2021 -
26 Jewel street, Barry. cf633nq - - -
26 Jewel street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. CF63 3NQ - 08/12/2021 -
55 Dock View Road Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4LQ - 08/12/2021 -
102 St, Marys Avenue CF63 4LS - 08/12/2021 -
101 Dock View Road Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ - 08/12/2021 -
48 Westbourne Rd, penarth CF64 3HF - 08/12/2021 -
4 dyfrig street barry cf625tw - 08/12/2021 -
19 Burlington St Barry CF63 3NW - 08/12/2021 -
24 Lower Morel Street CF63 4PJ - 08/12/2021 -
24 Lower Morel Street CF63 4PJ - - -
132 Dockview Rd Barry CF63 3QQ - 08/12/2021 -
I strongly object to this proposal on the grounds of:- 1/ Increased traffic congestion on the already over congested Cardiff road. 2/ Pollution from the site which will be added to existing pollution and poor air quality which we are already experiencing from the chemical sites. CF63 2NU - 08/12/2021 -
75 George Street CF63 4NL - 08/12/2021 -
22 Lower Pyke Street Barry CF63 4PH - 08/12/2021 -
5 Catalina, Cei Dafydd CF63 4BH - 08/12/2021 -
15 Burlington Street Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3NW - 08/12/2021 -
45 Station St Barry CF63 4LW - 08/12/2021 -
81 Jewel Street Barry Vale of Glamorgan cf633nr - 08/12/2021 -
17 Amherst Crescent cf633qq - 08/12/2021 -
16 Rhodfa Felin Barry CF62 6LX - - -
10 Ty Camlas Y Rhodfa Barry CF63 4BA - - -
70 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
14 Dyfrig Street Barry Island CF625TW - 08/12/2021 -
9 St Nicholas Rd Barry CF62 6QW - 08/12/2021 -
22 Lower Pyke Street cf63 4ph - 08/12/2021 -
6 Beatrice Road Barry CF633QF - 08/12/2021 -
24 Churchill terrace Barry Cf63 2qx - 08/12/2021 -
312 Holton Road Barry CF63 4HW - 08/12/2021 -
18 Churchill Terrace Barry CF63 2QX - 08/12/2021 -
3 Bull Cliff Walk Barry Vale of Glamorgan CF62 6UB - 08/12/2021 -
114 westward Rise Cf62 6pq - - -
107 Dock View Road, Barry CF63 3QQ - 08/12/2021 -
2 Marquis Close Barry CF62 5UE - 08/12/2021 -
4 Dyfrig street. Barry cf625tw - 08/12/2021 -
48 kingsland crescent barry cf63 4 jr - 08/12/2021 -
112 dock view road Barry Vale of Glamorgan Cf63 3qq Cf633qq - - -
21 maes y cwm st Barry Vale of glam cf634ej - 08/12/2021 -
21, Milward Road, Barry Cf63 3qd - 08/12/2021 -
55, Thompson Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. CF63 4JN - 08/12/2021 -
58, REDBRINK CRESCENT, BARRY CF6 5TU - 08/12/2021 -
34 Kenson Close Rhoose CF62 3FS - 08/12/2021 -
54 Harle Street Neath SA11 3DL - 08/12/2021 -
92 George Street Barry CF63 4NL - 08/12/2021 -
52 Enfield Drive, Hunters Ridge, Barry. CF62 8NU - 08/12/2021 -
69 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
62 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
52 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
53 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
54 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
55 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
56 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
57 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
58 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
60 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
61 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
63 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
64 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
65 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
66 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
67 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
71 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
72 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
73 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
74 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
75 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
76 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
77 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
78 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
79 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
80 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
81 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
82 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
83 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
84 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
85 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
86 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
87 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
88 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
89 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
90 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
91 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
92 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
93 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
94 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
95 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
96 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
97 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
98 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
100 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
101 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
102 Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
102a Dock View Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3QQ 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
1 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
2 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
3 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
4 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
5 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
6 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
7 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
8 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
9 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
10 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
11 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
12 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
13 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
14 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
15 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
16 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
17 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
18 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
19 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
20 Woodham Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JE 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
106 St. Mary's Avenue, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4LS 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
Bruno Fencing Viaduct Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JB 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
E C Wood & Co. Viaduct Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JB 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
S & K Haulage David Davies Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4AB 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
Harris Pye Marine Ltd. David Davies Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4AB 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
14 Robert Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4RT 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
53 Thompson Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4JN 16/02/2015 08/12/2021 09/03/2015
24 Lower Morel Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4PJ 16/02/2015 - 09/03/2015
Barry & Vale Friends of the Earth, Primrose Hill Farm, Cowbridge. CF71 7DU - 08/12/2021 -
  File name Created date
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 13/03/2015
2 - Application that may be of General Public Interest 05/03/2015
Number Description
1 Civil Aviation Authority - All Applications over 15m
2 South Area Team
3 Flood Risk Zone B1
4 Flood Risk Zone C2
5 Surface Water More
6 Surface Water Intermediate
7 Surface Water Less
8 2010/00240/FUL : Land off Woodham Road, Barry - Erection of new industrial building and installation of 9MW wood fuelled renewable energy plant - Withdrawn 20/04/2010 (case officer - SJB) 2008/01203/FUL : Land at Woodham Road, Barry - Erection of new industrial building and installation of 9MW fuelled renewable energy plant - Refused 31/07/2009 (case officer - SJB) 2008/00828/SC1 : Land at Woodham Road, Barry Docks - Proposed industrial building and installation of 9MW Biomass Gasification Plant to generate electricity from reclaimed timber - Environmental Impact Assessment (Screening) - Not Required 14/08/2008 (case officer - SJB) 1987/00821/FUL : Woodham Way, Barry Docks - Construction of plant store - A -17/11/1987 (case officer - DCD) 1985/00574/FUL : Woodham Road, North Side, No. 2 Dock, Barry - The land will be enclosed by a security fence and used for the storage of car trailers, such as touring caravans, boats etc. - A -23/07/1985 (case officer - DCD) 1984/00348/FUL : Woodham Road, No. 2 Dock, Barry Docks, Barry - Proposed fenced off compound for the purpose of storage and distribution of solid fuel - A -17/05/1984 (case officer - DCD) 1984/00214/FUL : Woodham Road, No. 2 Dock, Barry - Erection of a security fence around the plot of land which will be used for the storage of caravans - A -01/05/1984 (case officer - DCD)
You are here:  
Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111