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Vale of Glamorgan Council

Planning Application Details for : 2012/00937/FUL

The timescale for submitting comments on this application has now expired.

Application Location
Land South of the Railway Line, Trem Echni, Rhoose Point, Rhoose
Proposed development of 87 No. residential units with associated public open space, landscaping, the creation of two new access points into the site from Trem Echni and diversion of the Public Right of Way (as amended by 2014/01132/NMA)
Community Council
Application Type
Full Planning Application
Application DETERMINED
Applicants Name
Taylor Wimpey
Agents Name
Applicant Address
c/o Agent
Agent Address
12, Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BY
Other Details
Mr. S. D. Butler
Phone No
01446 704624
Decision Type

Building Control Application
Environmental Statement
Decision Date

Code Condition Details
AAA01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
AM03 This consent shall relate to the plans registered on 28 August 2012 other than where amended by plans reference 0460-103A, 104-1A, 104-2A, 104-3A, 106B, 108A, 109A, 151B, 152A, 302-1B, 302-2, 320A, 460-1000, Housetype booklet Issue 2 A3L received on 2 April 2013 and amended plans reference 0460-102D...
SUS04 Each new dwelling hereby permitted shall be constructed to achieve a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and achieve a minimum of 1 credit under category ‘Ene1 - Dwelling Emission Rate’ in accordance with the requirements of Code for Sustainable Homes: Technical Guide November 2010. The devel...
SUS05 Construction of any dwelling hereby permitted shall not begin until an 'Interim Certificate' has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority, certifying that a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and a minimum of 1 credit under 'Ene1 - Dwelling Emission Rate', has been achieved for that in...
SUS06 Prior to the occupation of the individual dwelling hereby permitted, a Code for Sustainable Homes 'Final Certificate' shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority certifying that a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and a minimum of 1 credit under 'Ene1 - Dwelling Emission Rate', has b...
SUS07 Prior to the first beneficial occupation of the development hereby approved, a Travel Plan shall be prepared to include a package of measures tailored to the needs of the site and its future users, which aims to widen travel choices by all modes of transport, encourage sustainable transport and cut ...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted details, and prior to the commencement of the construction of any of the dwellings, full details of the finished levels of the site and dwellings, in relation to existing ground levels, features and adjacent existing dwellings, shall be submitted to and approved in wri...
NSA Notwithstanding the submitted drawings and prior to the commencement of any works on site, full engineering drawings of internal road layout and the Trem Echni highway frontage (to include sections, street lighting and surface water) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Plannin...
NSA The dwellings hereby permitted shall not be brought into beneficial use until such time as the roads have been constructed to the satisfactory standard inclusive of street lighting and drainage in accordance with the details agreed under Condition No. 8. Reason: In the interests of highway saf...
NSA No dwelling hereby approved shall be brought into beneficial use until such time as the parking areas, including all associated access and turning areas to serve that dwelling, have been laid out in full accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and the parking, access and turning area...
NSA No development shall take place on site until a hydraulic modelling assessment (HMA) has been undertaken on the public sewerage system to assess the capacity of the sewerage network to accept the flows generated by the proposed development. Any necessary improvements identified in the HMA shall be f...
NSA No development shall commence on site until full details of discharge of the new foul drainage system to a point of adequacy on the public sewerage system have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, where the point of discharge shall be determined by the hydraulic...
NS No development shall commence until the developer has prepared a scheme for the comprehensive and integrated drainage of the site showing how foul water, surface water and land drainage (to include details of oil and petrol separators) will be dealt with shall be submitted to and approved in writing...
AA104 The submitted scheme for the drainage of the site shall ensure that all foul and surface water discharge separately from the site and that all land drainage / surface water run-off shall not discharge, either directly or indirectly, into the public sewerage system. Reason: To prevent hydrauli...
NSA In connection with Condition No. 13, the detailed scheme for drainage shall identify all existing land drainage ditches within the site and demonstrate that they are still utilised for their intended use, or alternative provisions made. Reason: To ensure that the developer of the site is full...
NSA In connection with Condition No. 13, the detailed scheme for drainage shall identify the location of the carrier drain which passes near the northern boundary of the site (which takes land drainage / surface water run-off from land to north of railway), and no surface water or any other form of conn...
NSA Prior to any site clearance works, a detailed Method Statement for the protection of reptiles, before and during site works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme should include, but not be limited to: methodology for site clearance, identification...
NSA Development works to which this consent applies (including demolition and vegetation clearance), shall not take place between 1 March and 31 August, unless it can be demonstrated that nesting birds are absent in a report prepared by a qualified ecologist (immediately prior to development commencing)...
ns Prior to commencement of development, a landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, detailing all areas of landscaping, tree planting and the areas of hard and soft landscaping forming part of the Public Open Space, which shall take into account ...
ns All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the dwellings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of f...
ns Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the laying out and means of construction of all areas of open space within the site, including full details, specifications and costings of all play equipment within the area of Public Open Space (including any facilities for seating and othe...
NSA No more than 50 of the dwellings hereby approved shall be brought into beneficial use until the play areas as agreed under Condition No. 21 have been constructed on site and capable of use by the future occupiers of the development. Reason: To ensure the recreational facilities are delivered i...
NSA The clearance of the site shall be undertaken in full accordance with the Geo-technical and Geo-environmental report completed by Terra Firma (Wales) Limited January 2012. Reason: In order to ensure that risks from land contamination are managed and to protect future users of the land and to e...
NSA If during construction / site clearance works, any unforeseen contamination encountered during development, then the Local Planning Authority shall be notified as soon as is practicable, and an appropriate ground investigation and/or remediation strategy shall be undertaken and submitted to the Loca...
CON2 No construction work (including any deliveries to the site) associated with the development hereby approved shall take place on the site on any Sunday or Bank Holiday or on any other day except between the following hours: Monday to Friday 0800 – 1800 Saturday 0800 – 1300 Nor at any time o...
CON5 No Development shall take place until there has been submitted to, approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). The CEMP shall include details of how noise, lighting, dust and other airborne pollutants, vibration, smoke, and odour from con...
MAT02 Prior to their use in the construction of the development hereby approved, a schedule of the proposed materials to be used, including samples, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the appr...
AA079 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, all means of enclosure associated with the development hereby approved shall be in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development, and the means of enclosure shall be impl...
NSA Prior to their erection on site, full details of the proposed sheds / stores in relation to their siting and elevations which are shown to serve the affordable houses as set out on plan ref. 0460-102, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeg...
NSA Prior to the first beneficial occupation of any dwelling hereby approved, full details of the public art to be provided on the site, shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Public Art shall thereafter be implemented on the site in accordance with the approved ...
AA106 The garages hereby approved shall only be used for the parking of private vehicles and for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse as such, and shall not be used for any business or commercial use and shall not physically altered or converted without first obtaining the formal cons...
PD01 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) the dwelling(s) hereby approved shall not be extended or altered in any way without the prior written consent of...
PD04 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no building, structure or enclosure required for a purpose incidental to the enjoyment of a dwelling-house shall be constructed, erected, or p...
NSA Prior to the sale of any individual plot or conveyance of any area of land identified falling within Plots 9-41 inclusive (as shown on the approved layout plan), or any revised plot numbers that include the land drain shown on the approved drainage strategy plan, the developer shall submit to the Lo...
NONS Any future owners / occupiers of the dwellings which adjoin the railway line shall be made aware that a carrier drain (which takes land drainage / surface water run-off from land to north of railway) runs through the curtilage (back gardens of the dwellings) and a number of vehicle parking areas whi...
II009 The attention of the applicant is drawn to the fact that a public sewer runs through the site and may be affected by the development and that no structure shall be sited a minimum distance of 3 metres from the centreline of the pipe.
II014 Please note that a legal agreement / planning obligation has been entered into in respect of the site referred to in this planning consent. Should you require clarification of any particular aspect of the legal agreement/planning obligation please do not hesitate to contact the Local Planning Autho...
II013 You are advised that there are species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 within the site and thus account must be taken of protecting their habitats in any detailed plans. For specific advice it would be advisable to contact: The Countryside Council for Wales, 7 Castleton Court...
NONS It is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Section 1) to take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird. Therefore, it is advised that the felling of any trees in association with the residential development hereby approved shall only be undertaken outside the nesting season, w...
II007 The attention of the applicant is brought to the fact that a public right of way is affected by the proposal and that a diversion is required in the eastern part of the site. The grant of planning permission does not entitle one to obstruct, stop or divert a public right of way. Development, in so...
II005 This consent does not convey any authorisation that may be required to gain access onto/under land not within your ownership or control.
Name Date Sent Type Expiry Date
Building Control Section 07/09/2012 Consult -
Cardiff Airport (Safeguarding) 07/09/2012 Consult -
Councils Drainage Section 07/09/2012 Consult -
Countryside Council for Wales OBSOLETE 07/09/2012 Consult -
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 07/09/2012 Consult -
Ecology Officer 07/09/2012 Consult -
Environment Agency Wales OBSOLETE 07/09/2012 Consult -
Heritage (Planning), 07/09/2012 Consult -
Highway Development, 07/09/2012 Consult -
Landscape Section (Dock Offices) 07/09/2012 Consult -
Network Rail 07/09/2012 Consult -
O M Parks and Grounds Maintenance 07/09/2012 Consult -
OBSOLETECrime Prevention Design Advisor 08/04/2013 Consult -
Planning - Tree Officer OBSOLETE 07/09/2012 Consult -
Public Rights of Way Officer 07/09/2012 Consult -
Rhoose Ward 1 OBSOLETE 07/09/2012 Consult -
Rhoose Ward 1 OBSOLETE 03/04/2013 Re-consult -
Rhoose Ward2 OBSOLETE 03/04/2013 Re-consult -
Rhoose Ward2 OBSOLETE 07/09/2012 Consult -
Shared Regulatory Services (Pollution) 07/09/2012 Consult -
Waste Management 07/09/2012 Consult -
Address Date Sent Reconsult Date Expiry Date
Site visit letter to agent - - -
5 Maes y Gwenyn Rhoose Point CF62 3LA - 03/04/2013 -
by email - - -
3 Nyth Yr Eos The Risings Rhoose Point CF62 3LG - 03/04/2013 -
3 Glyn y Gog Rhoose Point Rhoose CF62 3LJ - 03/04/2013 -
47 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
13 Maes Lindys Rhoose Point CF62 3LN - 03/04/2013 -
by email - - -
19 Maes Lindys Rhoose Point CF62 3LN - 03/04/2013 -
5 Fonmon Road Rhoose CF62 3DZ - - -
ROCKET HOUSE 24 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
by email - - -
by email - - -
29 Glyn y Gog Rhoose Point CF62 3LJ - 03/04/2013 -
by email - - -
by email - - -
by email - - -
1 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
10 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
10 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
12 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
11 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
15 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
14 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
18 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
16 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
17 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
19 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
2 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
20 CWRT NEWTON POOL RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LY 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
23 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
26 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
29 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
25 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
28 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
27 LLWYN Y GOG RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LS 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
3 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
4 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
46 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
45 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
53 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
49 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
50 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
54 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
5 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
51 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
52 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
48 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
55 MAES Y GWENYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LA 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
6 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
8 BRYN Y GLOYN RHOOSE BARRY CF62 3LD 07/09/2012 03/04/2013 28/09/2012
  File name Created date
Approved / Refused Documents
Planning Documents
Number Site or Press Description Display Date
1 - Application which might affect a Public Right of Way 06/09/2012
2 - Application which might affect a Public Right of Way 20/09/2012
3 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 06/09/2012
4 - Departure from the Provision of the Development Plan 20/09/2012
Number Description
1 Civil Aviation Authority - ALL Applications
2 Settlement
3 South Area Team
4 Surface Water Intermediate
5 Surface Water Less
6 2012/00851/SC1 : Land south of the Railway Line, Rhoose - Proposed residential development - EN -03/09/2012 (case officer - SDB) 2011/00233/PRE : Land South of Railway Line, Rhoose Point - Proposed residential development - PCH - (case officer - SDB) 2008/00133/PRE : Land to the South of the Railway line, Rhoose Point. - Residential Development - PRE - (case officer - SDB)
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Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, Tel: (01446) 700111