Consultee Comment for planning application 2020/01170/OUT

Land at Upper Cosmeston Farm, Lavernock Road, Penarth
Outline application for residential development, a primary school, community space and public open space with all matters reserved other than access
Case Officer

Councillor B. Penrose, 7, Oyster Bend, Sully. CF64 5LW
Type of Comment
Comment submitted by Roger Stoneman: This proposal defies any logic or common sense. The impact on local services and traffic volumes will be immense in this area. Traffic levels are already very high with no practical alternative routes and this is before the impact of the current development in Sully has been felt. The impact of this development in this area will be devastating The ecostructure of this area will be ruined forever. Housing developments across the county are surely intended to improve the lives of existing and incoming residents. This will do neither and any council member who knows the area cannot deny that this will happen. This area has done it's bit . Why not look at brownfield sites instead of destroying some more of our coastline and it's environs. Reports concerning levels of toxic materials have not been fully investigated and could prove a risk to resident
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