Comment for planning application 2019/00871/OUT

Land at Model Farm, Port Road, Rhoose
Hybrid application comprising an outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 44.75ha Class B1/B2/B8 Business Park, car parking, landscaping, drainage infrastructure, ecological mitigation and ancillary works (all matters reserved aside from access) within Area A and a full application for change of use from agricultural land to country park (Use Class D2) within Area B.
Case Officer

Mr David Watkins
Barry Town Council ,Town Hall,King Square,Barry
Type of Comment
Barry Town Council's Observations in respect of 2019/000871/OUT Barry Town Council wish to highlight 2 important considerations in relation to the planning application process for the proposed development at Model Farm. They are; The Town Council considers it should be a statutory consultee in this matter The Town Council are disappointed that the Development Viability Appraisal was not made publicly available when this application was first considered and its subsequent implications for the Section 106 payments/funding arrangements. The Planning Committee re-iterate its concerns regarding the proposed development and very strongly object to the current proposals for the following reasons; The proposals would generate increased and unacceptable traffic levels, leading to congestion particularly on local roads, particularly Port Road There appears a lack of a phasing programme within the application. The project appears purely speculative and unviable, with currently no identifiable tenants. The proposals do not appear to have adequately assessed the implications for the local environment. The project does not appear to be initiated or led by the key site activity/occupier i.e. Cardiff Airport. This reinforces the speculative nature of the proposals. The proposed extension of Porthkerry Park - who funds this proposal and who maintains in future this is not explained. There appears to be poor linkage between pedestrian routes and cycleways in the proposals. Also question mark regarding the practicality of walking to the site via local roads and Porthkerry Park. The loss of a productive farm is not acceptable. The construction of new build on green field land is not acceptable. The Council should be directing developers to existing Brownfield sites e.g. Llandow Airfield and former Dow Corning land. The unacceptable and ill-timed traffic surveys - not undertaken at peak periods. The proposals appear at odds with the objectives and sentiments of The Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, to the detriment of the people of Barry and local rural villages. The proposals appear dysfunctional in travel/transport terms with heavy reliance upon private motor vehicles. There are limited proposals for improving public transport in terms of buses or rail passengers/freight. There are local alternative sites for redevelopment as industrial parks e.g. Bro Tathan development. The recent updated TAN 15 document identifies that parts of the site may be liable to potential flooding The proposed development will adversely impact upon the existing foul drainage system and local Sewage Treatment Works.. There is concern that local public footpath network will be adversely impacted by the proposed development.
Received Date