Comment for planning application 2017/00541/FUL

Northcliffe Lodge, Northcliffe Drive, Penarth
Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding, erection of 30 apartments, new access and alterations to adjacent parking area, replacement tree planting and landscaping and associated works (resubmission application)
Case Officer

6 Hollycroft Close Lower Ely,CF5 4AN
Type of Comment
Other type details: An ex Penarth resident. Comment: This large house is of architectural merit and part of Penarth's history and should be preserved/adapted for modern use and not demolished. Penarth is charactorised by it's wonderful Victorian and Edwardian mansions built during the booming coal years in a style that will never be rebuilt. Many of these homes have been adapted to modern living and preserved for future generations to enjoy. This application to demolish the house and build new apartments is purely being done for business reasons and financial gain for the applicant with no thought being given to the heritage of the site. The plans also represent an over development of the small site.
Received Date