Comment for planning application 2016/01520/OUT

Land West of Swanbridge Road, Sully
Residential development of up to 190 units with associated access and associated works
Case Officer

De Sully Grange,Swanbridge Road,Sully,CF64 5UF
Type of Comment
My Objection is on the grounds of access. Swanbridge Road and Cog Road are of insufficient capacity to cater for the likely increase of around 1000 journeys by car each day. Roads are only wide enough at certain points for a single vehicle to pass through and frequently traffic is at a standstill In addition the total lack of amenities schools and healthcare will further put a strain on the village. Why do we have a situation where the Sports ground proposal has been turned down when access to the main road is far better and we have the likelihood of huundreds of houses being built and served merely by a country lane.
Received Date