Comment for planning application 2015/00843/FUL

Sully Sports and Social Club, South Road, Sully
Hybrid application proposing development of Sully Sports and Social Club, including demolition of existing clubhouse and buildings and construction of new clubhouse, three grassed pitches, one all-weather pitch, floodlights, new bowling green and pavilion, local retail gym building, touring caravan site and building, car parking and associated engineering, access and landscaping works (full detail) and proposals for construction of up to 200 dwellings, with associated parking, engineering, access, play space and landscaping works (outline detail)
Case Officer

Gold Crest,Clevedon Avenue,Sully,Penarth,,CF64 5SX
Type of Comment
I?d like my children to grow up with the provision of sports and green playing fields. This site is set aside in the emerging LDP as green wedge, playing field and coastal belt (not housing). This would be a significant departure from its intended usage. The LDP specifies in a section entitled "Creating an Active Wales" that the Welsh governments plans to get people engaged in regular physical activity. Replacing half of these playing fields with housing and retail units would be contrary to the Vale of Glamorgan's and Welsh government strategy. The extra housing will put a strain on other local resources such as schools and doctors surgeries. The LDP states in its Vision and Objectives that it will seek to ensure any new development, particularly housing will not bring undue pressure on such resources. According to policy MG24 (2) development of coastal area should only be allowed if it is deemed necessary for agriculture, nature conservation, low impact tourism or coastal access.
Received Date