Comment for planning application 2015/00843/FUL

Sully Sports and Social Club, South Road, Sully
Hybrid application proposing development of Sully Sports and Social Club, including demolition of existing clubhouse and buildings and construction of new clubhouse, three grassed pitches, one all-weather pitch, floodlights, new bowling green and pavilion, local retail gym building, touring caravan site and building, car parking and associated engineering, access and landscaping works (full detail) and proposals for construction of up to 200 dwellings, with associated parking, engineering, access, play space and landscaping works (outline detail)
Case Officer

3Swanbridge Grove,Sully,Cf64 5ta
Type of Comment
You can see I live immediately opposite the site of the proposed development. The existing difficulty that I have joining South Rd during peak periods is substantial and the whole village already becomes gridlocked. The prospect of such an increase in volume of traffic should the development go ahead (particularly in view of the impending Cog Rd development) leaves me in no doubt that the impact will be untenable. The transport assessment carried out by St Modwen didn't include the total potential development under the emerging LDP of up to 500 units & is therefore unsound Sully is a small community & doesn't have the capacity school, surgery or roads-wise to support such a massive increase. The proposal goes against the existing UDP & emerging LDP as well as the site being located within the Undeveloped Coastal Zone. It is also outside the Settlement Boundary for Sully in open countryside
Received Date