Comment for planning application 2015/00843/FUL

Sully Sports and Social Club, South Road, Sully
Hybrid application proposing development of Sully Sports and Social Club, including demolition of existing clubhouse and buildings and construction of new clubhouse, three grassed pitches, one all-weather pitch, floodlights, new bowling green and pavilion, local retail gym building, touring caravan site and building, car parking and associated engineering, access and landscaping works (full detail) and proposals for construction of up to 200 dwellings, with associated parking, engineering, access, play space and landscaping works (outline detail)
Case Officer

3 Swanbridge Grove, Sully, Vale of Glamorgan,CF64 5TA
Type of Comment
Dear Mr Butler I live opposite the site and already have significant problems with traffic. St Modwen's transport assessment analysis only included 350 properties at the proposed Cog Road development but in the emerging LDP the site is allocated for up to 500 units. The proposed development is contrary to not only the existing UDP but also the emerging LDP so can't see how the Vale could pass plans which go against their own Development Plans. The proposed site is located within the Undeveloped Coastal Zone and this is an open space which is widely used by not only residents of Sully but also neighbouring villages for walking and leisure. Indeed, as I live so close I walk on the fields daily and have done so for many years. The Welsh Government initiative to increase physical activity in the population clearly can't be well-served or achieved by removing 50% of the playing fields that are available and indeed used by the local residents. Yours N J Rees JP, ACIB
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