Comment for planning application 2015/00843/FUL

Sully Sports and Social Club, South Road, Sully
Hybrid application proposing development of Sully Sports and Social Club, including demolition of existing clubhouse and buildings and construction of new clubhouse, three grassed pitches, one all-weather pitch, floodlights, new bowling green and pavilion, local retail gym building, touring caravan site and building, car parking and associated engineering, access and landscaping works (full detail) and proposals for construction of up to 200 dwellings, with associated parking, engineering, access, play space and landscaping works (outline detail)
Case Officer

21 Clevedon avenue,cf645sx
Type of Comment
The site lies outside the settlement boundary for Sully it is located in open countryside thus contrary to Policy ENV1of the UDP The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV6 of the UDP as the site is in the Undeveloped Coastal Zone There are Biodiversity issues the development would go completely against the Council's local biodiversity plan which recognises the biodiversity of plants and animals The document Creating an Active Wales sets out to encourage people in to active physical activity how can taking away 50% of the playing fields achieve this The site was subject to a similar planning application in 1993 which refused and failed on appeal those same reasons for refusal still exist today. Policy ENV6 is also reflected in Policy MG42(2) of the emerging LDP this development would have a totally unacceptable impact on the Glamorgan Coast. Which requires the coast to be protected and any development should only be for agriculture, conservation, coastal access,.
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